On numerous occasions, I’ve shared what I’ve learned within a particular month of the year. Taking my cue from Emily who started this monthly series, it suited me well to share the silly and sacred, useful and just plain fun each month. Recently, Emily tweaked the “What I Learned” monthly format to instead reflect what we learned each season. This seems even more feasible and interesting, so I’m playing along too. Plus, a “What I Learned this Winter” post helps me think winter might soon be over even though I know in Colorado, this couldn’t be further from the truth. I’ve been around for too many snowy Easters and Mother’s Days to believe that. (Insert cry face emoji here.)
Just the same, here I go!
What I Learned This Winter:
I like winter about 48% more since moving to the woods. Ya, ya, I just complained about the spring holiday snow. And ya, I’m generally more of a beach gal than a mountain gal. However, this has changed a little since moving to the woods. Winter is just gorgeous here. Gorgeous! And I find myself not quite so whiney about it too. At least not yet.
Even Viola Davis–the same Viola that just won an Oscar–suffers from imposter syndrome. I saw this just yesterday because Emily shared it on her instastories. Basically, the woman from Good Morning America interviewing Viola asks her how it feels to be the winner of an Emmy, Tony, and now an Oscar. Viola responds that while it feels good that all her hard work paid off, she still suffers from the imposter syndrome–the belief she’s gonna wake up and everyone is going to see her for the hack she is. (You can see this part of the interview at around the 1 minute mark right here.) If you’re a creative of any kind, you might identify with Viola’s words. I certainly do. I guess we’re in good company, huh?
The elbow is one unforgiving part of the body. As I’ve mentioned, I took a tumble down some stadium stares last fall and dislocated/fractured my elbow. I’m still undergoing PT/OT 3 1/2 months now after the accident, and my elbow continues to improve and has regained much of its range-of-motion. However, I still wear an arm straightening cast 30 min/day to help it regain more. In spite of this, my elbow/arm won’t gain back all its range of motion. As the orthopedic doc stated, once you hurt your elbow, it usually doesn’t work as it did before the break. It could all be worse, of course, but that’s still a bit of a bummer.
I’m a cat person after all! I have always ALWAYS been a dog person over a cat person. It’s never even been close. Dogs: I love you and your happiness is my life’s work! Cats: I tolerate you and might just kill you in your sleep. But then our kids got 2 kitties for Christmas, and every day I baby talk and play with them like they’re little humans. I don’t even know who I am anymore!
I love doing #firstdaysnapshot over on instagram. Just a few months ago, I began posting a pic and giving a rundown of what I did on the first day of each new month. (Obviously, I have a theme going! #teadrinker) Tomorrow, March 1st, I’ll be posting again. Want to join me? Post a pic of you doing something special *or* run-of-the-mill, and use the hashatag #firstdaysnapshot in your post so I can find it. It’s a fun way to mark the first day of a new month. And if you’d like to connect with me on instagram, you can find me here.
I am all about plaid plaid plaid. This season I’ve worn plaid more than I haven’t, and I even wore it when I had some new headshots taken with it. (HUGE props to the lovely Jen Lints of Jen Lints Photography for my new headshots! If you’re local to Colorado Springs or live in the surrounding area, I highly recommend her. She does beautiful work and is an absolute dream to work with.)
Plaid says laid back, easy breezy style. Plaid for everyone!
Sitting in middle places takes courage. In this middle place of working through something—in the space between moving courageously and waiting for something to change—you can lose your gumption. Hope gets buried beneath 50 layers of defeated thinking, and you’re sure you’re making all the wrong moves. If you’re plumb haggard and fear is making you question where you’re at right now, please hear this: Keep on keepin’ on, sister. You stand at the edge of your own Red Sea, and God will make a way for you.
Bullet journaling has brought more organization to my life. I mentioned here I was going to give bullet journaling a go this New Year, and give it a go I have done. To jumpstart the process, I read this by Kendra and watched a video by Edie Wadsworth I received for subscribing to her blog. I think my version of bullet journaling is somewhere in between Kendra and Edie’s, heavy on the simple side. And mine isn’t nearly as pretty or neat as Kendra’s. However, just like many of you, I have several facets to my life that move around in concentric circles, and this journal helps me keep track of what’s going on in each of them. I thoroughly appreciate *and* enjoy having a place to keep track of all the stuff I think I’ll remember but never do as well as a way to organize all those thoughts.
What did you learn this winter? Tell me at least one thing in the comments below *or* let me know if, like me, you’re also playing along with us at Emily’s.
TJ says
Thanks for sharing what you have learned. I needed to hear “Sitting in the middle place takes courage.” I also wanted to thank you for your book Girl Meets Change. I have read it twice and it has been a big help between moves and changes in my life. So many good truths that I am still going back to. Many blessings.
Kristen says
TJ, I’m so thankful that Girl Meets Change continues to speak to you. Thanks for your kind words here. Much love!
Lisa says
I just found Emily’s blog and added my learning. I enjoyed reading your learning. If you don’t mind me asking, what are your headshots for? My daughter does some modeling and would love to do some acting, too. She completed AMTC.
Kristen says
Hi Lisa! That’s great about your daughter! Well, mine definitely aren’t for any kind of modeling or acting. Heh. They’re for several projects, the first being a blog redesign that will make its way forward here very soon! Thanks so much for stopping by, Lisa!