To receive your FREE digital copy of 7 Ways to Be a Good Friend This Election Season, simply fill out the corresponding form below. Please note that by doing so, you’re signing up to receive encouragement in your inbox from me 3-ish times per month.
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To also receive 27 Ways to Be the Kind of Friend You Want to Have, the Bonus Hidden Devotionals, or Summer Activities for You and Your Family and Friends (or all four!), simply fill out the corresponding form for each item. As with the items above, by filling out the form, you’re signing up to receive encouragement in your inbox from me 3-ish times per month.
After signing up for freebies, keep an eye on your inbox for these digital offerings! Depending on what you signed up for, you’ll receive…
7 Ways to Be a Good Friend This Election Season
27 Ways to Be the Kind of Friend You Want to Have
Bonus Hidden Devotionals
Summer Activities for You and Your Family and Friends