‘Round these parts, we’re all about getting fresh air where we can, when we can. After all, the world can be one deflating, stifling place, as 2016 can testify.
I am not one who typically makes New Year’s resolutions. It is more in line with my personality to look at the new calendar year and ask myself questions like my friend Lisa-Jo does: In this new year, what do I want to leave behind and what do I hope to bring with me? I’m still thinking about what I want to leave behind. But one thing I sense the Lord telling me to take with me into 2017 is to be me well. This is something I’ve been working on since last fall when I first heard His whisper that I have His full permission to be myself, and to stop living like I don’t.
Just sitting with these words and letting them waft around me immediately sends a wave of fresh air my direction.
Maybe you are one who likes the routine of New Year’s resolutions. Or maybe like me you’re more of a New Year’s resolution rebel. Either way, there will come a time when you would like to usher a little fresh air into your heart and home. If so, here are 17 ideas (including a few affiliate links) that may help you along the way.
17 Ways to Usher Fresh Air into Your Heart and Home
1. Consider including a Sabbath rhythm into your life. Shelly Miller is an excellent guide and teacher for this and I’m savoring her fantastic book Rhythms of Rest on this topic.
2. Let Myquillyn show you how to hush your house one room at a time. She is my house whisperer! And by the way, her Nesting Place e-book is only $1.99 right now.
3. Do something scared, but do it anyway. That’s called bravery.
4. Add an inspiring, fresh air podcast to your listening list like this one of Christy Nockels’. Christy’s voice is a gentle and kind companion to me and my routines.
5. Speaking of podcasts, laugh yourself silly listening to Melanie and Sophie on the Big Boo Cast.
6. Intentionally pivot from toxic to truth.
7. Remember anytime you move closely with Jesus, especially through life’s storms, you arrive exactly where you’re supposed to be.
8. Uncross your arms and wrap them around somebody.
9. Read something inspiring *and* entertaining. These two people win everything! Also, they nailed it right here.
10. Grab your camera or a loved one (or both!) and take a walk.
11. Do one small thing to organize your schedule or home. I think I’m finally ready to buckle down and learn how to bullet journal, something I believe will accomplish both. If you’re not familiar with bullet journaling but would like to be, let expert Kendra tell you what it is and show you how to do it.
12. If you’re feeling like you need to apologize to someone you’ve hurt, go ahead and get ‘r done. Sometimes you must wade in that discomfort and difficulty to dive deep into the blessing of restoration.
13. Bring someone outside on the inside. This can look a thousand different ways, from inviting the new person in our neighborhood, church or school out for coffee to giving from our more than enough to help a family who doesn’t have nearly enough. Encouraging others encourages ourselves.
14. Join this with Jennifer Dukes Lee–it’s not too late! I read and endorsed Jennifer’s book The Happiness Dare last year, and I connected with this book like I’ve connected with few others. Not only is it good medicine for any woman who believes happiness is unattainable or unholy, but reading it was just plain fun.
15. Buy flowers for yourself, just because.
16. In the words of Gary Thomas, capture these verses for the good of your soul.
17. Facing a big change or transition this new year? Perhaps Girl Meets Change can be the helpful, tender guide that walks through it with you.
Happy New Year, friends. May it be kind to you in every way.
Great list. Sounds like getting back to nature and slowing down a bit! Number 8 is something I do several times a week. I visit my aging dad in his assisted living. I usually hug some of the residents there and always hug my dad before leaving.
Number 13 I do often also. Every now and then I clean out my closet of unwanted or unused clothes and donate them to churches. Anyone can go and take the clothes home for free. Another thing my church does is work with “Feed the Multitude”. Once a month our church and another in the area prepare food for about 250 or so people. Our church makes cupcakes, brownies, etc. This weekend 01/07/17 I will be making 24 cupcakes. I always enjoy doing stuff like this. In fact for Christmas I adopted two angel tree children. It was fun shopping for them.
Have a great 2017~ 🙂
Love you and your heart for others, Beth. Happy New Year!
YES to all of these!! I also enjoy listening to Christy Nockels’ podcast. Her spoken words are so often a breath of fresh air. Wishing you & yours a happy 2017!!
Same to you, Pam. Much love.
Winter. Snow. I really love the view.