Friends! We’ve almost made it through snowy, blowy January! Let’s give each other a pat on the back, shall we?
In order to celebrate, I thought I would link up with Emily’s delightful “What I Learned in January” fun. So without further adieu, here is the silly and serious of what I learned in the month of January:
1. Of the nine spiritual temperaments, the top three that match my personality are: Naturalist, Contemplative, and Sensate. Basically this means that for me to feel closest to God–and at my healthiest spiritually–I need to spend time outdoors, devote some quiet time with the Lord, and experience the kind of worship that makes my senses come alive. All this was gleaned from a fantastic book by Gary Thomas entitled Sacred Pathways: Discover Your Soul’s Path to God. If you want to discover more about yourself and therefore best steward the life God gave you, I highly recommend this read.
2. I can make a book wreath. I’ve wanted to make one for years but never have because I thought it looked too hard and time-consuming. Well, on a rare, low key Saturday, I rolled my eyes at myself and said Girl, if you want a book wreath, then just make a book wreath. So I bought a couple books from the thrift store, tore out several pages, and hot glued leaf-shaped cutouts to a wooden frame I already had. It’s not the flashiest book wreath, but c’est la vie. I like it!
3. I have officially fallen in love with the blog The Sugar Box. Written by the super savvy Kendra, it features entertainment themed posts, and oh. my. word. They are hilarious like nothin’ else. (I still laugh out loud when I think about her post If the Golden Globes Were Summer Camp.) And the only think I like more than watching Downton on Sunday nights is reading her Downton themed posts Monday morning. Golden, I tell you.
Also, if you live in the Greensboro, NC area, you can receive a real, hold-it-in-your-hands Sugar Box –– a Hollywood-themed package of homemade treats. Just don’t tell me if you get one, because I’m a little jealous and find it difficult to be happy for you (grin).
4. My readers and I are joyously simpatico and on the same page. Here’s to another year of creating a welcoming space where folks receive a lift by way of words and connection.
5. I *can* listen to music with words while writing. Well–sort of. As long as the words are coming from the smooth-as-velvety-chocolate voices of Christa Wells or Ellie Holcomb. Otherwise, I have to go the instrumental route.
6. I can wear bangs! I didn’t think I could really pull them off as my forehead is about 2 inches long. At my last haircut, my hair lady cut them pretty short, but they were still long enough to go over my eyes. So, I ended up sweeping them over to the side. This time, I had her cut them even shorter. I like them–although we’ll see if I wear them close to her artful style or just sweep them sideways once they grow. At any rate, it’s fun to embrace a little change (which is a near and dear subject to my heart, especially now).
7. The ESV journaling Bible is wonderful! One of my boys gave it to me for Christmas and I love it. If you like to write notes in your Bible but never feel you have enough room to do so, then you might love it too.
So, what did beautiful you learn in January? I’d love to know.
Have a wonderful weekend, friends. xo
Kristin Hill Taylor says
Ellie Holcomb – YES! She’s a favorite here too. Happy Friday, sweet Kristen!
Kristen says
Same to you, Kristin. xo
Amy Bennett says
Oh, I love the bangs!! Lots of good stuff in here, thanks!
Kristen says
Thanks, Amy!
Kailey says
I’ll have to read your book from #1, that sounds wonderful! I also LOVE the Sugar Box, so glad you enjoy it too! Always love your lists, thanks for sharing! 🙂
Kristen says
I really, really liked the book, Kailey. Not only was it interesting to read from the standpoint of learning more about myself, but also from the standpoint of discovering more about how my husband and kids best learn, too. Have a great weekend!
Teri Lyne Underwood says
Oh Kristen! Love the bangs … the ESV Journaling Bible … Christa & Ellie while I write … and Sacred Pathways.
Oh and you most of all!
Marian says
Love Gary Chapman’s book. Have you read Sacred Marriage? Also a great read. And (confession) I’m also binging on Ellie Holcomb these days. Something about the weather…
Kristen says
No I haven’t ~ but after reading this one, I definitely want to! Thanks for the suggestion, Marian.
Leigh Ann says
Thanks for this! I came up with my list and put it on Facebook. It’s both cathartic and unnerving to write down what I’ve been learning for other people to read! You look great with bangs btw!
Shawnelle Eliasen says
Love it! Esp book wreath and bangs. Charming!
Alia Hagenbach says
Have I told you lately how much I adore you? I do. And I have old books I want to make a wreath out of but it looked hard. I make lampshade but it’s a bit wonky. The bangs are beautiful. They make your eyes huge. And that bible has been on my wish list. My current one is a mess of notes in a teeny tiny margin with arrows and continuations all over the place. Just stopping by to say hi since it’s already the end of January and time has flown by since I last saw your beautiful face.
Kristen says
Alia, you are straight up wonderful, you know that? And unbelievably kind.
Ya, we were Bible twins. 🙂 My old one needs some kind of map or key to follow all its markings! But I’m still mighty partial to that one, too.
Much love to you always and forever, friend. xo
Joy says
Came over here from Chatting at the Sky… I love your bangs! I’m growing mine out at the moment, but yours look so cute! That book wreath looks pretty awesome, too!
Caroline says
The Sugar Box makes me so happy! and I have her to thank for introducing me to Benedict Cumberbatch 🙂
Love the bangs!
Gary Thomas is one of my favorite authors and for some reason I’ve been putting off reading Sacred Pathways… Sacred Marriage & Sacred Parenting are the type of books that I grab off the shelf a few times a year for a refresher so I’m sure Sacred Pathways would be the same. Thanks for the encouraging push.
Cynthia Stuckey says
Yes and I agree on the Ellie Holcomb and Christa Wells– they are current soul-filling favorites of mine! I also recently discovered and I really enjoy the “coffeehouse minus that one loud shouty customer” background noise it provides. It helps me think more creatively I think.
Oh, and I am looking forward to that book of yours. 🙂
Beth Williams says
I learned that I can wear my hair a bit longer. It is in kind of a bob style and most people like it. Love your bangs. You always look so great and put together.
I’ve learned that I like quiet days staying home doing some netting and relaxing ’cause life gets busy during the week!
A friend sent me a recipe for Tumeric tea. It has plenty of health benefits including helping you lose belly fat.
3 heaped teaspoons turmeric
1 heaped teaspoon ground cloves
2 teaspoons ground cardamon
2 teaspoons ground ginger
1.5 Lts of 3.5 pints of filtered water
Honey to taste
nut milk optional
Blessings 🙂
Rachael says
I totally love this blog and I’m going to play off it myself tonight! It’s so good to do those kind of evaluations , not just at the end of the year. Loved it. Loved hearing what you learned this month! And love finding new blogger friends through new blogger friends (did you follow that??) Thanks for sharing! hopefully, I’ll have my “what I learned” up by tonight!
Cindy in PA says
Love your bangs!! And I also love my ESV Journaling Bible! Thanks for sharing your list this month. Blessings!