Right off the bat, friends, I need to tell you how much I’ve written, deleted, and rewritten this post, all while chewing the heck out of my nails.
I am the world’s biggest dork, just so you know.
It all started last Sunday when I stood next to our Sunday school’s coffee and tea table, my hand loosely holding a plastic spoon that swirled a peppermint teabag inside my styrofoam cup. As I added a spoonful of sugar to the amber liquid, another member of the class came over and asked how my book was going. With kind eyes and an interested expression, she followed up that question with now what is it about again? I stared at her for a few seconds, feeling like she’d asked me to explain quantum physics rather than my own book. I became overly-invested in my cup of tea as I both stammered out a bit of words on the subject and paused to gather my thoughts. Understanding once again that multitasking is not my friend, I sat the cup down and then managed a coherent (albeit awkward) verbal summary. When I finished, she warmly replied, “Hmmm, sounds like a book I need to read.”
I left that conversation shaking my head at myself, knowing I needed to lose the marbles-in-my-mouth feeling I get everytime I talk about my book. (And I hear the smart marketing folks from my publisher Revell saying ummm, yes.) Why does it make me feel awkward to talk about it? Because this book is rather personal as parts of my story dot the pages from beginning to end. Talking about it is a bit like showing you my journal, even handing it over to you so you can flip its pages. There is a risk you might roll your eyes at what’s inside. But there’s also the risk you might look at it and say, “Great day, this sounds like it might be right up my alley.”
What I’m saying is it feels scary to share.
But I need to get un-scared and share anyway, and that’s where y’all come in.
If I need to get more comfortable talking about my book, I feel there’s no better place to do that than here with you friends. After all, you are kind and warm people who love me well, even on the days I’m chock-full of crazy.
So in a nutshell, friends, here’s what my book is about:
(Phew! That wasn’t so hard!)
Specifically, it’s about how to see change that isn’t our idea as a good thing and not the mean girl who aims to spread her ugly all over us.
It’s about how to see change that isn’t our idea (because who minds change that is our idea?) as a tool God uses for us, not against us. And it’s written for folks (like me) who have lived life seeing change as more foe than friend. It’s written for those who resent change and just plain don’t like it. It includes my own story of change as well as stories of other people who have lived difficult change in all its big, small, and in-between sizes yet are thriving because of it, not in spite of it.
It is a hope-filled book, and I’m very happy with how it’s shaping up.
I know I haven’t really said much here, but you know…baby steps and all. There’s also the fact the book doesn’t release ’til next fall, and that’s quite a while from now. Plus I’m a bit worried I’ve already come across as presumptuous here, arrogantly assuming you’re all interested in this project at this stage as much as I. Maybe you are, maybe you aren’t. But the truth is this book is an important part of my life right now, and it feels good (even if a bit scary) to share this part with you, too.
Thanks for giving me the courage to do so–and for smiling back at me rather than rolling your eyes. Y’all are the best.
That’s one thing I’m thankful doesn’t change.
How fun! I’m so glad to hear more about it … and it really does sound like a good I need to read. 🙂 Grateful for your encouraging words.
Kristin! An extra big hug to you today…I needed your words. Thank YOU. xo
I can hardly wait to read it, you humble soul, you.
(Chat away about your book!)
Lori, thank you for that. I really couldn’t love you more, girl.
I’m so glad that you were brave and shared! Change is a great topic, that many of us need to read about and find the hope within the pages.
Excited for you!
Thank you so much, Ashley. You are a treasure.
You wrote a book!!!!! Of course I want to read about it!!!
I would be so honored if you did, Pattie. Thank you for being such a dear, true-blue friend. xoxo
“Resent change”… well that describes me perfectly. Change has always been hard and more often than not is not my idea. That of course only makes me resent it more. Not that I want to wish time away but I can’t wait until next fall. This is a book I will need to read. Thanks for sharing!!
Thank you, Stella, for your excitement. Truly. xo
Why do so many of us feel like this? 🙂 I just finished my own post scribbled and re-scribbled about something so similar. Blessings to you in your new book venture! We can market only so much, but so grateful that He is the one who shines his light and favor on the works of our hearts and hands. I love that yours is a hope-filled book! I will look forward to it!
It seems like we are often harder on ourselves than others are (to us), doesn’t it? *Sigh* I hope you were able to hit “publish” on your own hope-filled words!
Thank you for your words, Pam. They are such a gift to me heart and soul. xoxo
Sounds like a very good and helpful book. I find it sad that as women we seems to expect the “mean girl” eye roll response to things we share – and for good reason sometimes as the media helps those reactions explode even further. We need to be better about encouraging one another not trying to nitpick each other.
I think it is terrific that you shared here and are using your personal story of change to help others! Blessings to you!
You’re right on, Linda.
And thank you for your words of encouragement. You make me brave! xo
Kristen, your heart, your journey, your words — YES. Always, always interested. I am so excited about your book. About your process. Cheering you on. And counting the days till we make it to Denver so we can connect. Gah!
Well friend, that’s the best thing you could have told me, Dana…including the Denver part. Especially the Denver part. xo
Hi Kristen,
So looking forward to reading your book. Have a blessed Thanksgiving.
Thank you, Veronica. Happy Thanksgiving to you, too!
Yay for progress! Books take too long, I think. 🙂 Can’t wait to read your words, friend. You are such a gift.
As are you, Jessica. As are you. Love you to pieces.
I am really looking forward to reading this! I was hoping it would come out soon but that’s okay! It will be something to look forward to. 🙂
I like that you’re open about that weird feeling when someone asks you to talk about yourself. Being vulnerable is so hard but I’m glad you’re writing a book that will surely be an encouragement to many!
The process is a l o n g one, that’s for sure. Thanks for sharing in my enthusiasm, Laura. I can’t tell you what it means to me. xoxo
You go girl!! I subscribe to A LOT of blogs and to be honest, yours is one of the couple that I actually read when it shows up in my mail. Look forward to reading it, even if it’s next year. Praying for your confidence to blow up while writing. Be brave for the rest of us 🙂 Good luck!!!
You help make me brave, Tina. Thank *you* for that, for your enthusiasm, and for your abundant encouragement. A big hug from me to you!
I absolutely need to read your book. And I hear you on awkward feelings when people are kind enough to ask about our books. 🙂
Let’s swap books next year, k? Love you, Mary, more than words can say. xo
Sounds like a book I would be very interested to read!
Thanks for saying that, Shelley. I hope others will agree! 🙂
We are interested in it Kristen! Get on it and finish it up! 🙂
May you conquer your fear of talking about your book in the future!
Be Blessed!
Change!Ha! So glad you are the one writing this and not me – said the girl who’s moved 10 times, rarely of her own choosing. Can’t wait to read your heart poured out on paper for us. It will be beautiful, just like you!
It looks and sounds like you are enjoying the process — yay! I will look forward to reading it all the more.
Change is a great subject to write about. It’s something people don’t want to talk about but they think a lot about and I think people would read a book about it. I’m a military spouse (moving to Colorado Springs in June btw) and I get change, love change, embrace change. As a matter of fact, I may have the opposite problem as most. I have a hard time when I have NO change in my life. I need my life to change on a regular basis.
I’m glad you took the step of courage to tell us more about your book! Your writing is such an encouragement to me, and I can’t wait to read your story in book form!! It is a very big deal, something worth celebrating! When God moves us to do something, even something scary, and we obey, it becomes part of the story He is working out in our lives, and these are the testimonies we can share about that will point to Him. Thank you for being a vessel for His purposes!
Kristen, that’s one of the things I like best about you – your chock for of craziness and how you have the courage to bear your heart and soul and get personal. You fun, heart-warming, challenging, and share the bestest things. Love the breath of fresh air i find here. Can’t wait to read and share your hope-filled book about how to see change as a tool God uses for us because, ya know , “good day, it’s right up my alley!”…even for those of us who love change 🙂 Those smart marketing people at Revell will have an easy job because of what’s inside the book ! Share away!
Cannot wait to get my hands on a copy!!!
You know, when someone asks me about the book I’m writing (and haven’t submitted a proposal for yet!), I usually run screaming from the room. So I’m thinking that if you pulled together even half a coherent sentence, you did great! 🙂 Can’t wait to read your book and cheer you on as it is published! xoxo
Writing a book is a big big deal. Getting the go ahead from a publisher and almost release date–whew! Humongous task!!
Congratulations on letting us in on your book story. I am curious to see it and maybe read it.
You are an inspiration to many women here and I love all that you write!!
Keep on working on that book and spew those marbles out–just be yourself and tell people about the book!~!
Blessings 🙂
I am glad that you along with other women are brave enough to share your thoughts and words with us. You encourage us so much–you will never ever know!!
Proud of you for allowing God to use you as a vessel to write this wonderful book!
May God bless you and your family this Thanksgiving!! 🙂
I love you, friend, and I’m cheering on you and your words with all my heart!!
I’m so super excited for you, and I truly understand the fear aspect of talking about it. 😀