Today is the last day of school, and my blonde boy says in wonder,
“Mama, can you believe we’ve been to the same school for THREE years?”
It’s a big thing for this son who attended five schools in five years before moving to Colorado.
When I look in our family’s rear view mirror, transition has been our faithful companion. And wonder of wonders, I’m on good terms with it. Quite the lesson God had me learn, baptizing me in what I feared most so I could have my comfort zone stretched not just seasonly or yearly, but daily.
Here’s the thing about change and transition: We’re generally more comfortable with it when we know it’s coming. Or rather, when it’s our idea. But what about when it falls from the sky and drops the bottom out of our stomachs? When we’re thrown into it in spite of wanting nothing to do with it?
Recently I reacquainted myself with the story of Joshua leading the Israelites towards the promised land. Because they were entering new territory, Joshua and his officers told the people they would know which way to go by following the ark of the covenant of the Lord.
“Then you will know which way to go, since you have never been this way before. But keep a distance of about a thousand yards between you and the ark, do not go near it.” ~Joshua 3:4
With a million Israelites all together, they needed to keep a certain distance from the ark so everyone could see it and therefore know which way to go. And in that lies a good formula for handling transition:
Always keep in mind the big picture of what God is trying to work out in you and for you while never losing sight of Him in the process.
When radical change knocks on our door, the only thing that brings steady comfort is remembering God is using it to bring you to your own promised land.
When we don’t know which way to go, may we go to the One who knows just the right time to move.
And may we remember promised lands sit just beyond new territory.
I’ve hinted a little here and there about a special project I’m working on. Well, the project will be revealed this Monday, Memorial Day. It definitely marks a bit of a transition in my writing as I’ve never written something this extensive before. .
Come back Monday to find what it is and how *you* can have it!
If you are sharing your own stories of an unexpected lesson learned through transition, read this first.
Next prompt: Let’s have a little out of the blue for the red, white, and blue, shall we? Monday is Memorial Day and the unofficial kick-off to summer, but on next Thursday, let’s share stories of what we love about this country. If you’d like, it can be patriotic in nature or a thank-you to our military (i.e. if you wrote a Memorial Day post, feel free to link that). BUT it can also be something you love about summer, vacations, sports, or whatever you wish. Just think about why you feel blessed to live in the United States and give words to it. Can’t wait to read your glorious words!
Caryn Christensen says
You sure had me nodding my head Kristen when you said, “Here’s the thing about change and transition: We’re generally more comfortable with it when we know it’s coming. Or rather, when it’s our idea.”
I usually like change…but not when it’s thrust upon me and not when I perceive it to be a “bad” change. It’s makes these shaky legs thankful that we have an unchanging God!
Kristen says
Nodding with you, sister. xo
Beth says
Kristen, oh yes…change and transitioning is hard. With the changes that lie ahead for my family I am grateful to know that changes are coming, but it still leaves me a bit shaky. The reminder to never lose sight of Him in the process is needed. We had a team meeting for our mission trip this summer and we were asked to share what God is teaching us…for me it’s learning to trust in where He has me right now and also in where I know He is leading me.
As for my link-up today, I hope it fits with the prompt. I’m trying to limit my writing and focus on my hubby and didn’t have time to write two posts this week, but as I re-read what I wrote in my post I realized God is transitioning me from seeing to stepping over my fears and doing. Hope that made sense. 🙂
As we lead into Memorial Day weekend, while it’s a time to remember our fallen heroes, I also want to say thank you again to you and your family for your service. I look forward to sharing some red, white and blue love next week! Many blessing and much love to you, Beth
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
Really looking forward to what you are going to share on Monday?! So thankful for your family and others who serve our great country! Wonderful post on learning from our transitions. I hope my post relates as I talked about learning a lesson as I transitioned into adulthood. Blessings and grace to you friend,
Kristin Taylor says
I love how you put words together. I can so relate to not fully embracing transitions. It’s awesome to see how God has used that for good in your life.
Kathy @ In Quiet Places says
It is so easy to let change and transition produce a sudden swelling of fear of the unknown, but then when we stop and remember God’s got it in His hands, He knows what we don’t know, oh what a difference that makes, and knowing He is with us through it all. Faith isn’t about knowing or seeing, but trusting God!
jana says
Thank you for the free gift in my inbox yesterday. Congratulations!