I’m sightseeing at Panera’s glass covered bakery when I see her out of the corner of my eye. She turns from her laptop to the window as she gracefully swipes tears from her face.
I turn back to my panoramic view of desserts and order a cinnamon roll.
My thoughts roll back to the girl and her tears. I enjoy people watching (especially at places like airports and restaurants) and hypothesizing about the lives of others. I’ve seen Spanish royalty, Hollywood actors, CIA operatives, and mini-van driving mamas like me.
Or at least, I might have.
I find myself doing the same with this darling woman as she stares out the window. I don’t know what’s bothering her, but whatever it is, her heavy heart leaks tears.
Did she have a fight with her husband?
Did she get a rejection letter from a hopeful employer?
Did she take a pregnancy test and it read negative? Or positive?
Did she see a news story she just can’t forget?
Whatever causes her tears, does she know they’re seen?
Do you know it? Because this is true: Your pain matters because your heart matters.
“It’s the quantum physics of God: one broken heart always breaks God’s in two. We never cry alone.”
For in Christ all the fullness of the Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ (Colossians 2:9-10). We never cry alone because God is a part of us, so He can’t help but care.
And like a dusty, forgotten gift card found in a drawer, I find a gift that proves my pain matters because I matter, and it’s all seen by the One who never leaves my side.
Your tears are meaningful because your worth is undeniable.
Your identity is unshakeable.
Because His love for you is unfathomable.
May you hold these sweet truths close to your heart today.
This was a much needed post in my house today. There have been many tears over the past few weeks from having to change gymnastics gyms to not making the symphonic band at school after so much rehersal for the audition and being 3rd chair all year and even the 5th chair made the cut. I have had such a heavy heart for my kids as they struggle with reality of rejection. Thank you so much for your words they always seem to show up at the right time.
Love always friend.
I love you, Tricia. Hug those precious boys for me. xoxo
Beautiful truths, Kristen. Thanks for your encouragement. I haven’t popped into your comments box in a while… I hope all is well in your people-watching world.
Thrilled to see your pretty face here, Becky.
I’m so thankful for a heavenly Father who accompanies me on this journey, who not only shares in my tears but also fills me with joy.
Me too, Laurie.
I’m thankful for you, too. Have a wonderful Wednesday.
Thank you, Kristen!
Thank you for these words.
Oh I needed those words today, thank you
You are such an encouragement. So very important to His story. Truly. {hugs}, friend.
What a kind thing to say, Amy. Much love to you.
What a beautiful post! Thank you for a soulful reminder that God shares our sorrows and weeps when we weep. As always, your words speak to my heart! God bless you friend, Bev