(Cake by the Cake Whisperer of Colorado Springs: Jamie Little)
The month of May is my favorite, and not just because it’s my birthday month. It’s the month that, as poet William Watson says, is ” . . . the dauntless youth of the year.” Even if the “youth” of this particular May brought a rebellious hissy fit in the form of crazy weather for many of us, I still love May for all its peony budding, school ending, and (for me) birthday cake eating charm.
So let’s share what we learned in May, shall we?
In the month of May, I learned:
1. Iced earl grey tea is very tasty. Especially with a hit o’sugar.
2. I love Parks and Recreation. Because I’m often a day late and a dollar short on things, I didn’t get into this show ’til the series ended. But hey, that’s why God invented Netflix. Also? Actor Adam Scott from the show is my husband’s doppelgänger, or rather the doppelgänger of my husband a couple decades ago.
3. I am no longer a mama of elementary school aged kids. I now have two high schoolers and one middle schooler. And once again, I see how change won’t sit quietly with folded hands for long.
4. I’m not the only mama who believes that the older one’s kids get, the easier it is to feel isolated.
5. Visiting new restaurants is one fabulous way to celebrate my birthday. I discovered Mountain Shadows Restaurant over the weekend when a friend took me there for a birthday treat. It was cute and happy and the food superb. I also tried Southern Hospitality with my family, and man was it fun to eat shrimp and grits and collard greens in a restaurant out West. The service there was a bit inconsistent, but the food tasted great.
6. In my ongoing Gilmore Girls saga (Netflix again FTW), I find I like the show a little more when I skip all scenes involving Taylor, Kirk and Babette. At this point, I’m basically in it to pass time while I’m on the treadmill. And to find out if Rory makes it through Yale and if Luke and Lorelei get together to stay together.
7. Getting to know yourself better isn’t selfish or indulgent, it’s necessary for getting to know the heart of God better too. This book is bringing me straight to Jesus, and I love it.
Oh, not watching Taylor, Kirk and Babette would have made Gilmore Girls better. (Although I did love it overall!) I think maybe I could have handled Kirk alone – because all his random jobs made me laugh – but the group as a whole irked me too.
And I’m happy we share a birth mom – May really is the best. 🙂 xoxo
Kristen! May is my favorite too and also my bday month. Honestly everyone I know who is a May born is lovely 🙂 Great post and I agree wholeheartedly that “Getting to know yourself better isn’t selfish or indulgent, it’s necessary for getting to know the heart of God better too.” So true.
A warm wave to you, Zohary!! And a big birthday high five to you and Kristin. xoxo
Restaurants are the best for birthdays! And shrimp and grits….perfect! I think I need to read that book. I just finished Made for More, by Hannah Anderson, about living out our identity in God; this one seems like it’s along similar lines. Thanks for sharing your list!
Made for More sounds is a great recommend! I’ll add it to my list. Thanks, Lauren!
Mountain Shadows is amazing! It was one of my favorite restaurants when hubby and I were living in Colorado. Happy belated Birthday! 🙂
I can see why, Lauren. It was divine. Thanks for the birthday wishes!
Happy Belated Birthday…what a cute photo of you and your hubby…and I’m glad to know I am not the only one who watches series after they are done….and I love David Benner’s book…God used his book, which was a surprise Christmas gift, to cause me to begin blogging, even though it was at the time, very much out of my comfort zone…blessings to you 🙂
Loved your post about raising bigger kids!
Two television references and a picture of cake. YOU ARE MY HERO.
These are some of my favorite posts to read 🙂 I also am no longer a mama of elementary kids. My son is now a middle schooler.
High-five to you, good mama.
Dear Kristen,
Happy Birthday for the month of May. I too am a May baby. My husband and I laughed out loud at the likeness of your husband to Adam Scott. My dear husband claims to be at least as opinionated as Ron Swanson! just kidding. We too love Parks and Recreation all the way over here in Australia too. I love your blog. Thanks again for sharing. Maia
Waving to you, Maia!!
So first off… that photo! After fasting sugar for a whole month, I wasn’t sure who was prettier – you or that cake! You won out because, those eyes! But still… it was close!
Secondly – Isolated… yeah… I get that, (says the empty nester!)
Third(ly?) – any mention of the GilmoreGirls requires a comment. #FortheLove they are talking reunion – either in a show OR A MOVIE!!! (Sorry for the yelly caps!)
And also… that book! You are the third person to refer to it in one week… now the trick is how to convince my husband that I need yet another book!? (Thanks for that!)
It is a weird (and sad) feeling each time your kids pass a milestone. I remember feeling all teary-eyed when my youngest finished elementary, junior high and so on. I discovered life goes on even after becoming an empty nester. But it was a BIG adjustment for me.
I like it now!
The Gift of Being Yourself needs to be next on my reading list.
Love this! Thank you! What I learned in May. Hmmmm. In my daily circumstances, there is always good. I’m learning to look for it. I believe that it’s faithfully there. Blessing…
Changes, changes, changes…now I have a high schooler and a college student. And we’re moving across North America, for the love! I have to learn a new base, a new ministry, a new region of the country. I am with you on the feeling isolated; that’s why in – real – life friends going through parenting teens is vital. VITAL. Can’t wait for your book!
Happy Birthday! I pray you had a good time with family and friends!
I, like you, love Earl Grey and other flavored teas. I prefer them hot–must try them iced! Your book review “The Gift of Getting to Know Yourself” sounds like something I should read. I must not know myself well yet, as I’ve been stuck in a “hated” job for a while now!!
Blessings to all and Happy Birthday!