As we shook hands and greeted those sitting next to us in church last Sunday, one of my dear children accidentally kicked over my husbands full–very full–cup of coffee. Creamy brown liquid dribbled in rivulets from our seat in the back down to five or six rows ahead. As my husband and kids hurriedly left to grab paper towels, I whispered to the young mama with three small children next to me, “See? Little kids aren’t the only kids causing a ruckus during church.”
She laughed, and I didn’t miss the layer of relief that touched her grin.
So, while most people in church listened to announcements, my husband, kids and I patrolled the aisles in front of us and cleaned stray coffee streams. Thankfully, our church home is super laid back, and nobody seemed bothered by our activity–or my clip-cloppy heels.
I wasn’t bothered, either, not even a little. I found the whole thing more shake-your-head funny than embarrassing. But ya know, I only wish I was as laid back about all my kids’ mishaps. Because let me tell you, I’ve yelled when I should have held and counted up their shortcomings when I should have been long on grace. I’ve swung like a crazy pendulum, parenting like a Chinook helicopter one minute and then been too uninvolved the next.
Heaven knows all the times I’ve stormed its gates with prayers, asking God to please undo what I’ve done, to cover what I’ve left exposed.
I never want to give the impression that things here are perfectly blue skies and trouble-free times. My kids sometimes make choices that bring the mom smackdown here and there. But most days, you aren’t going to hear about our more angsty moments because, understandably, teenagers don’t want their difficult business all over mama’s social media. Honestly, they don’t always want all their good business on my social media, either. And they have the right to feel that way. They have the right to keep parts of their life sacred and private, and I would rather lose all ten fingers than disrespect that or them. So if a story or picture about them shows up next to my name, it’s because I have their permission to post it.
Of course, no matter the age, a kid deserves to have her thoughts and feelings respected. But when considering a toddler or young child’s shenanigans, there is a cutesy (albeit exhausting, frustrating, overwhelming) factor to them that makes sharing easier. But with teen shenanigans? Well, they ain’t so cute, y’all. And so in general, the older kids get, the easier it is for a mama to feel more isolated. Not only that, but mamas of big kids are continually met with an awareness that limited time remains to instill in our people all we want to teach them. It all feels immensely heavy, weighted with responsibility.
Great day, parenting ain’t for wimps. As much as I love, really love this season of raising my kids, there are hard days too.
A long time ago, I shared with my longtime friend Cheryl about a particularly challenging day with one of my kids, and she said something I’ve never forgotten. With her trademark thick Texas accent, she said,
“Kristen, sometimes you just have to look at him and say, ‘Baby, I’m gonna hug the mean right outta you.’ And then do it.”
In other words, I have to keep moving toward them. So I use my words as well as my arms to wrap them in love and security. I hold their faces and look in their eyes and tell them you are my treasures and how in the world did I get the honor of being your mama?
Oh yes, we Strongs have streams of mess than run down our four walls and we get things wrong with each other. But we don’t ignore the muck or stare at it with squinted eyes and crossed arms. We get down on all fours and wipe up the sopping mess and say I’m sorry and embrace the grace of a fresh start again. My good man and I keep reaching toward these big kids and doing our best to love the ugly right out of them. Even when it feels the opposite of what we want to do.
Especially when it feels the opposite of what we want to do.
It’s hard to be a teen. It’s hard to be a parent of teens. It always has been, and it always will be. But may my own see home as a safe harbor and know that the flawed people in it are genuinely for them, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
Especially when it doesn’t feel like it.
And may we mamas always find in Christ a safe harbor as well, the One who continually wraps his arms around our shoulders and his affirmation around our hearts. The One who elbows his Father and says, “Just look at her and the amazing job she’s doing!” And may we believe it, even when it doesn’t feel like it.
Especially then.
Oh how I really love this season of raising my boys . . . now young men. But oh how there are still hard days. But I love how we are growing together through the joyful and hard times. God is teaching us much on doing better at this, “We get down on all fours and wipe up the sopping mess and say I’m sorry and embrace the grace of a fresh start again.”
Loved this so much, Kristen.
“But I love how we are growing together through the joyful and hard times.” Thank you for always reminding me, Beth, that we can indeed grow toward others during the hard times, too. I love you!
I can only imagine how hard & frustrating raising children can be. But one day you can sit back & reap the rewards. Try “raising” or dealing with elderly parent and multiple health issues including psych. That was my year last year. I got a taste of mothering so to speak.
God bless ALL the mothers in this world! May you all realize how special you are!
My kids are now in their twenties. I chuckled when I read about social media because yes, they don’t want it seen, heard or told. My then high school son had friends over one night and he prepped me by saying, “Mom, you don’t need to know everyone’s story”
The relational side of my stopped dumbfounded as my mind said “Why yes I do!” But I got it. No more twenty questions. Even now, I’m still learning to be a momma.
For me the “letting go” years haven’t been as hard as the “let me work this faith thing out for myself now” Watching them move from this being their mom and dad’s church and religion to what does it really mean for me to follow Christ as been one of the most gut wrenching things to watch.
When you’ve spent their entire lives praying, “God protect them” it’s hard to go to “God, break them so they call on you” kind of prayers.
Thanks for posting! I always enjoy them. Much love……
Lisa, what a good mama you are. I’ll be pondering your comment here a good long time. Thank you for sharing this here with us today. So much love.
My kids are 5 and 8, but it’s already different than when they were say 2 and 4. These seasons of motherhood change and I’m grateful for people like you who share the realness in a way that is inviting. Thanks for sharing a little of what your season is like, spilled coffee and all. xoxo
Kristin, no words to say how this post brought encouragement to me. It is so true, some days we must throw our arms around them until they just surrender to be loved by us & by Him. And so often, I must do the same 🙂 Thank you for this sweet reminder!