Well, whataya know. I didn’t run into one single Simon the entire weekend. The She Speaks conference oozed encouragement and kindness. My words received compliments and criticism, and all comments were beneficial, honest, and hopeful. I madly scratched pages and pages of notes and have lots of information to sort out in my noggin.
If you threw up a prayer in my behalf, I thank ya kindly! Through the majority of the conference, God’s peace prevailed and I realized half my fretting was due to making mountains out of molehills. Fear does that, making the small loom large like a shadow in a dimly lit room. Since it’s hard to see, it’s easy to assume what lurks in the shadow is big and scary.
Nuggets of Wisdom from She Speaks:
Lysa Terkeurst: If we want external self-control, we need internal seed of holy restraint. Sculptors create art by chiseling. Be transformed by the renewing of your mind and allow God to use the ugly stuff to chisel {Romans 12:2}. Treat ugly moments as holy territory.
Renee Swope: Man’s rejection is sometimes God’s protection. Don’t throw away confidence! If we can safely enter the Holy of Holies with confidence, we can enter anywhere with confidence {Hebrews 10: 19, 35}.
Micca Campbell: When I am jealous or envious, I am counting someone else’s blessings.
Emily Freeman: Don’t despise small beginnings! Anything that cultivates a seed of gratitude is not a waste. I am called to a message, not a method.
Ann Voskamp: No one receives anything unless it’s given from heaven {John 3:27}. I want to change my default from dissatisfaction to doxology. Believe not in what I have to do, but in what He has done. Live with hands wide open so my heart is wide open.
The weekend held not-so-heavy moments, too. I loved seeing and loving on folks in person whom I’ve only been able to see online and love on in words before. Unfortunately, I only took a couple pictures the entire weekend. Boo on me.
I didn’t take this picture, I lifted it from Emily. 🙂 When I met Emily, I *may* have jumped up and down like a school girl. Not only have I adored her writing for-ev-uh (and her soon-to-be-released book Grace for the Good Girl ROCKS}, but she sweetly and graciously answered no less than 317 writing questions of mine. She is stinkin’ adorable, totally hilarious, and beyond kind.
I laughed ’til my sides hurt with these gals. Stephanie, Emily, Nester, and Shannan are da bomb diggedy!
I am much more extraverted than the average writer, so “jumping through my screen” and meeting these folks live and in person was super sweet! {I’m especially lookin’ at you, too, Jamie!} It did my heart good and I grinned all weekend. Amen.
I hope your day gushes grace and peace, sweet Dearies. Much love to you!
Thanks for sharing, Kristen. I love those nuggets, too, and I have ADORED Emily since for-ev-ah too! Can’t believe you even got to meet the Nester! And I am also kicking myself for taking no pictures. Not with Emily, not with any of the lovely hearts I previously only knew online. But God is so full of good gifts, and this weekend was chock full of them and all tied up with a pretty bow, too! Be blessed as you continue to reflect and consider your next steps. Love your blog.
I love the way you say that…the weekend was chock full and tied up with a pretty bow. It’s nice when a small slice of life works out that way, especially since it doesn’t happen often. May you be blessed, too, as you continue writing!
It was a fantastic weekend, wasn’t it? Lovely to meet you briefly at Emily’s session!
Loved seeing your whole precious family, Caroline!
You go, girl! I’m so glad it was all that and more, Kristen! (by the way, that cute picture with you and Emily…yeah, I have that same cute white shirt. Dontcha love it the fit?!) 🙂
Hope to meet you…at SheSpeaks NEXT YEAR!
Oooh you are so lucky to have met Emily! 🙂 I so adore her blog, her photos, her writing…everything about her!
Sounds like you had a truly fab time! I can’t wait to see how God continues to write your story, Kristen because He is!!!
Wow! What an awesome opportunity! I would love to go to a blogging confrence one day. How fun!!