She mentioned something last weekend and the words still roll around my head today:
“You are called to a message, not a method.”
I think about what beats at the heart of what I love to do in this writing space, and what beats is the passion to encourage. In this world that likes to beat down, I want to be a voice that builds up. So, whether it’s in a book, on a blog, in a card, or over coffee {and tea!}, I totally dig encouragement through words.
I think about other messages and methods and how they relate to motherhood.We are all responsible for teaching our children to love the Lord God with everything in them.We want this message – and others – to sink into their noggins, but the method we choose to massage it in looks different. I know my kids’ personalities, learning styles, and bents. I know what environment they thrive in and what beats at the heart of what they love to do.
You know these things about your kids, too. You and I parent night-and-day different yet your kids and my kids still receive the message they need to hear.
{Even if some mothering days move 2 steps forward, 3 steps back.}
So then I’m thinking about messages and methods and motherhood and misconceptions.
I remember that time in Hawaii, when the Walmart {or was it Costco? Probably both.} employee scolded me because she didn’t approve of my kids hitching cart rides.
I remember when that friend asked with furrowed brows why I wasn’t homeschooling.
I remember when the well meaning AWANA’S leader informed me my kids needed to memorize more Scripture.
And I remember how guilty I am of judging other mamas especially when I don’t know their story. I don’t know what they woke up to, what battles they faced, where their feet trekked. I haven’t a clue about what method best gives her kids the messages they need. Or if she’s just plain tuckered out and absent of energy to keep her kids…oh, say…off the grocery cart.
“Search me, O God, and know my heart; test me and know my anxious thoughts,
See if there is any offensive way in me, and lead me in the way everlasting.” Psalm 139:24
So now I know of messages and methods and motherhood and misconceptions and mercy.
And I remember how face-flat-on-the-floor I need it.
Oh girl, I need it too! I loved your words today and even more I love your encouraging heart!
Face-flat-on-the-floor how I need Him too. This week has been a bit of a doosey in that regard. MERCY. For Mercy (my newest daughter I found rummaging in the rubbish like an animal, slightly autistic, mute and a total treasure to her Papa in heaven and to me) who has bitten, scratched, beaten and bruised me in her journey to freedom. Love won’t let go even when life bites back. Freedom is not yet but it is coming. Add in a few angry mobs of people threatening to kill me for other people’s mistakes (and no this is not hyperbole) and looming deadlines. MAN, what a grace ride! Love always WINS. And I am learning all over again face flat on the floor how badly I need His. Your life dear one is a love letter from heaven to those who are privileged enough to read it! Hugs from Sudan- Michele
Oh, Michele. These glimpses into your life in Sudan always humble me. This work you do…you live and breathe Mercy for these precious daughters! A grace ride indeed, and you can bet I am face-flat-on-the-floor in prayer for you, beautiful Friend. Much love and hugs to you…
Oh! How I needed this now! Thank you so very much for your words:-) I also want more than anything to be of some encouragement to others through my blog! Not sure that I ever am, but the heart is there! You my friend always encourage me! So for that, thank you;)! Happy Friday!
Oh Beth, you are! And above all else, you honor and bless Him with your sacrifice of words!
Ohhhh Sister!! When Hope was maybe nine months old, we were grocery shopping, when we ran into this guy with a toddler. The little tyke was giving dad a run for his money, and I remember feeling ummm “smug” because my child was being so angelic and NOT causing a scene! So recently I revisited that day, when Hope had a melt-down, for the record books, inside Hobby Lobby. It was sooo ugly, and the looks from the other patrons cut like a knife! Ohhhh it burned!!! On the upside, when Client’s come into my office with small kids, I try to help and not judge! I try to point out something nice and build them up because chances are, if they are coming to my office, they are already well aware of their failures!! Love you!!!
Ya, I think all us moms have a story like that! Sounds like your approach is the *most* helpful, grace-based one! Love you too, sweet pea!
I just love this post, K! We all feel those judgments…and I’m guilty of judging, too. You said this very well.