This day charges ahead like many before. I get breakfast for the kids and pack lunches … [Read more...]
Grace Rhythms
This sweet thang is my aspiring percussionist, and his talent is pretty darn amazing. Of … [Read more...]
“No” Now, “Yes” Later
photo credit About 30 minutes into my morning, my plans for the day did a 180. A sick … [Read more...]
Mom Song Monday
Many of you have heard of Anita Renfroe and her hilARious "Mom Song" sung to the tune of William … [Read more...]
How Not to Turn into Cruella DeVille
More than once I've been asked if I'm smokin' something or if I'm hittin' the hard … [Read more...]
Uninviting Hurry {You Ain’t Welcome Around Here No More}
I can still see them, their 3 year old wee-watt legs peddling slow but sure. I pushed little sister, … [Read more...]