Tomorrow is my (in)RL tea party. I’ve had so much fun preparing for it! With it now so close, I’m excited in a nervous kind of way. Or is it I’m nervous in an excited kind of way?
Are you going to an (in)RL soiree of your own? Maybe even hosting one? Let me know and while I’m praying over mine, I’ll pray over yours, too.
And because Lisa-Jo – the community manager of (in)courage – had more good stuff up her sleeve than one day could hold, the (in)RL festivities kick off today. While you may be meeting-up with folks tomorrow, today you can enjoy some quality you time and settle on your sofa for an hour to watch the community keynote, Sara’s story, and some fun blooper outtakes. Click here to check out the different viewing times ~ I’ll be tuning in at 9pm EST tonight.
Have a beautiful weekend, darlings. May it bring you places to visit, friends to love, and tea to drink. Or another fun beverage of your choice!
I wish I was going to your (in)RL tea party – hangin’ out with you sounds like a great way to spend a day!
Move here already, would ya?