“Let’s be women who no longer compare and compete, but celebrate and complete our friendships…with the unique offering we bring.” Renee Swope
On a sun drenched Saturday, us girls gather at Jen’s house, each bringing a glass or porcelain plate. On Jen’s driveway, we take turns dropping our plate. When each one shatters, we walk around and pick up a few of each other’s shards to add to a few of our own.
Because that’s what good friends do, become safe places to break wide open and share the shards of the mess.
We take each other’s broken plate pieces and place them in heart-shaped molded plaster. When we are satisfied with our individual mosaics, we work grout in between the shards.
Because this is what the best kind of friends do, they hold onto each other’s broken parts and encourage Christ’s love to enter all the in between places.
Sometimes I’ve done this well and other times not so much.
Read more with me here?
laura says
I just came over from (in)courage to say hello and thank you for your words this morning! Thanks for the fresh air and blue skies…
Kristen says
Waving to you, Laura! So happy to have you here.
Karen Q says
Just found you through (in)courage. Love the post, and have subscribed to your blog also. Thank you!
Kristen says
So lovely to meet you, Karen. Thank *you*.
Amanda B. Hill says
So love the idea of this. Might have a friend party and steal your idea. Thanks for the reminder to talk about friends behind their backs – about how fabulous and wonderful they are. Friends truly are like family that we build around us.
Hugs to you.