“More dreams die by self-inflicted wounds than any other kind. God is for you…and it’s time for you to be too.”
Holley Gerth, You’re Made for a God-Sized Dream
I’m not one to really cry in front of others. Now tear up and get emotional? Shoot, I do that every other day in front of anyone. But give into the ugly cry where my face gets splotchy red and my shoulders shake and I can’t even talk for sucking in air? Heavens no. I’ll do it alone curled up on my red and tan sofa or snuggled up to my hubs, but it’s rare I do it in front of anyone else.
Recently I did do the ugly cry in front of others, and lo and behold, it didn’t kill me. In fact, those relentless tears mixed with prayers to heaven made good therapy. But I’m not gonna lie: Before I felt better, I felt weak and ridiculous. It’s one thing to cry in front of others when tragedy befalls you or even when you discover your girl has a broken neck. It’s another thing to lose it over something you believe is “no big deal” in the grand scheme of things, like insecurities or a lack of confidence. But those things touch tender places, and with tender places come tears. Vulnerability feels mighty risky.
Sometimes, the things that make us ugly cry hardest are bold faced lies the Enemy shouts to condemn. Lies I too often grab onto and run away with. Today, I’m sharing a story about a time I did just that, but also how I’m bold faced telling on him. Join me and bravely share your story, too?
Pattie says
You have captured the essence of what I feel most days. I think you are wonderful
Kristen says
Love you Pattie! And could you just get CONUS already??
kristin says
I appreciate your boldness Kristen. I really cry over the big stuff ( like you, we had a scary situation with our daughter about a year ago – she was kicked in the head by a horse), and I will tear up over anything that I believe is hurting my child or her pony – horses are wonderful gifts from God and I do not possess the words to fully describe their affect on me , my daughter or my husband. I read a previous post about friendships and I am going to be bold because I feel like I do not have the kind of friends with whom I could cry and just “lose it.” I am praying for good friends in my life because I feel like we (my husband and i) have had a string of “bad luck” with people who called themselves our friends …. I desire to be a Godly woman, good wife, good mom, and good friend…… where are they?
Kristen says
Oh girl, I’ve been there. I’ve learned {often the hard way} that friends will come in God’s time. It’s hard to sit in the waiting though, isn’t it? Know I’m sitting here with you, thankful to have you in this community! God bless you, Kristin.
Amy Tilson says
Hello. Have we met? My name is Amy. Why yes, we have, and if you’d been at my table while Sally was giving her keynote you would’ve seen my ugly cry. Right there with 400 of my closest friends. Oh wait, I only knew a handful there. Oh my heavens!!! It was pretty gory in my mind, but such an opportunity to receive so much love from friends and encouragement – even from Sally. So, I get all of this. I usually get it all several times a day. Thanks for putting it out there that you get it too. (Waving wildly to you from the east coast)
Kristen says
Waving back to ya, girl! xo
Karina Allen says
Again, you and I, same person. Haha! My whole introverted personality doesn’t let me cry in front of others either. I just always try to be strong & act like I have it all together even when I am a wreck on the inside. My prayer is that God will continually show me how to be vulnerable in front of others. I know that that is what reaches into the brokenness of others & helps direct them toward healing. And it brings about such authenticity in community. That’s my heart desire!