This nest clings to the pine tree just beyond our fence, and I see a quintessential picture of spring. I snap a few pictures and enjoy watching them in their cozy house. But later that night, the fierce Colorado winds pick up, and I know that pine and the house in it are getting whipped around somethin’ fierce. The next morning, I go outside and see the nest rests in the same spot, birds snoozing in peace.
Sometimes my own day starts out breathing peace, and I imagine people looking in our window find a Normal Rockwell like image. But then someone grabs the house and shakes it like a snow globe. On a dime, everything turns upside down. Those days don’t feel safe at all, and what makes us feel unsafe looks different from person to person.
Your kids have played so nicely and then suddenly they can’t get along to save their lives.
Your loved one throws a curve ball and your trust shatters.
Your friend drops you like a hot potato.
The job you’ve done for twenty plus years ends.
Your plans are ripped into a thousand little pieces.
When you throw your hands up in frustration, let those palms turn up and open towards the One who holds you in His. All the treasures of wisdom and knowledge are hidden in Christ, so we can rest assured He will one day reveal the purposes hidden in our ordeals. And in remembering this, I find safety. One day, all will be right side up again.
“My purpose is that they may be encouraged in heart and united in love, so that they may have the full riches of complete understanding, in order that they may know the mystery of God, namely, Christ, in whom are hidden all the treasures of wisdom and knowledge.” Colossians 2:2-3
Thank you.
I needed this this morning. 🙂
Me too!
And until then, we trust in Him, and share the encouragement with each other that He has given to us. Thank you for sharing, Kristen!
Beautiful post. Thank your for sharing. Sometimes we are shaken.