On Saturday Faith and I attended a gymnastics competition, and we marvel long and applaud loud as one of Faith’s best friends soar with beauty and grace in every event. And really, isn’t she exquisite? Â I love watching her on beam the most. Indeed, the beam is her microphone; she grabs it with confidence and positively sings.
Given the fact that Faith hasn’t been to this gym since the day we discovered her broken neck and she had to say goodbye to gymnastics herself, I worried a bit about how she would react there. Faith was never at competition level, but she had dreams of competing, and the loss of that was a true lesson in the hard faith.
Watching her friend, Faith cheers long and loud without an ounce of envy or bitterness. She smiles wide and laughs often. More than once I tear up proud because y’all, unless you’ve lived under our roof for the past year, it’s hard to appreciate all this.
We head home several hours later, and no sooner do we walk through the front door her tears come, the wishing things were different while mourning the loss again.
Sometimes dreams belong on altars, our own Isaacs we sacrifice. I wish this could be a one-time event, but more often it’s a daily offering. Whether with a weak smile or a healthy dose of tears, we wake up and give up again and again.
Like Isaac, sometimes God puts a holy stop on the sacrifice. Other times we are called to let go and give up our plans for good. But when we are able to turn those hands upward to God and then move them together in celebration for others, we give a sacrifice of praise.
Holy sacrifices are never in vain. We take the hard faith one day at a time, walking blind to the future but holding onto the One who sees every single day.
Not much later and Faith’s tears dry. With excitement in her voice, she tells her brothers how beautifully her friend competed. And then the heavens sing as a whole new kind of beauty and grace soar right on up to the sky.
What are you offering as you live the hard faith today?
That’s beautiful, the way she’s growing through the pain. Today, I’m offering up my relationship with a dear (male) friend…we are both walking difficult lines as we try to set physical boundaries between us, and each conversation about it leaves me weary. But I’m choosing to give God each step, and slowly, we’re moving forward.
Hugs to you Sonika, and prayers too. Much love from my neck of the woods to yours. xo
Thanks đ
This is some good food for the soul, friend. I’m taking a big bite and feeling fuller already. Thank you for sharing this–and for being the Mama you are to Faith and the friend you are to us!
What she said!!!! Very well put Holley!
Thanks, you darling girls you.
This chokes me up. Parenting is HARD. How could we do it without faith? Then again, reading this I realize, faith really is hard, too. But it’s good. Today I’m offering up my kindergartener – she’s having a tougher time adapting to school than I anticipated. And you’re right, it’s a daily offering, not a one-time sacrifice. Yes indeed. Thank you for your beautiful words, Kristen.
Oh Becky, I’ve been where you are and ack! Very hard indeed. Praying for your girl *and* her mama, too. You are loved!
Thank you, Kristen!
Being a mom, as you very well already understand, dreams are often put on hold, and sometimes even, completely sacrificed. But God always knows what is best for His children and I am sure He has such wonderful plans for your babygirl… Stand strong mom, you are doing a great job!…. It is a miracle unfolding before your eyes, that your daughter has such a vivid understanding of the love for others and the ability to put them before herself that so many of us adults neglect daily…. In my prayers, as always!
What grace and wisdom demonstrated by your precious daughter. I, too, am working through the loss of a dream and this is what I needed to hear. Sacrificing and trusting God with this loss is a process, not a one time thing. Praying for you and your Faith!
It has been a process just to get here, and we are still learning how to lay it down again and again. I am learning as much as my daughter through it all! {weak smile} And your prayers? What a gift! Thank *you*. Praying for you now too, my friend.
I miss you, Kristen. Your encouragement, perspective, your accessibility. How you’re taking Faith’s circumstance and helping HER grow in the faith, it’s nothing short of parenting brilliance. This is a hard thing; and yet she’s celebrating her friend.
It’s so good reading a bunch of your posts in a row; it’s *almost* like a visit :).