From 30,000 feet up, I stare out the window of seat 11A onto changing landscape. First high desert, then expansive grasslands, then rolling hills and snaking rivers with tall tree fringe. I smile to myself and think, Now this, this is my favorite way to experience change: from a distance.
Change is an unassuming friend when I view her from a distance, exciting and fresh. But when I stand in the midst of her, she gets taller and broader, and her mannerisms are pushy. As she begins talking, I put my hand up and treat her like a solicitor who rings my doorbell during dinner.
Yes, change, thanks for the opportunity, but I’m just not interested right now.
And if the change isn’t my idea? Honestly, I’m never ever ever interested.
Like, ever.
So at times like these when our family sits on the cusp of a big lifestyle change, I am even more convinced change might just do me in. And while change has been my way of life in the realest of ways, I still need help remembering why change is a grace, not a grievance.
Read more here and share what kind of change you’re experiencing this season?