A couple weeks ago, I wrote this post about a mistake I made and how that mistake snowballed into several others ’til my grade for the day was a big fat F. And ya know what? Y’all blew me away with your comments to that post. By sharing stories of your own grade F days, you linked arms with me, looked me in the eyes, and told me I’m not alone. You reminded me the purpose of living a Christ filled life is to walk in the power of His resurrection, not my own condemnation.
And in the spirit of this been-there-done-that kind of support, we’re using today’s out of the blue link-up to widen our circle. We’re sharing a big mistake – or even a humorous, crazy ‘oops’ – that turned into a surprise blessing.
And I’m not gonna lie, folks: With a topic such as this, I have a whole lotta material to choose from.
There is the memory of my first date with my now husband when I tripped and fell down a flight of stairs.
There is the time I not once but twice forgot my sons’ student of the month luncheons.
There is the time I walked out of the ladies room with my sweaterdress tucked up in my tights.
There is even the time I sat through not one but three parent-teacher conferences with a wardrobe malfunction in the form of a zipper down.
Oh what a fertile field of awkward, humbling mistakes.
And if that’s how the stories always ended, I’d be hard pressed not to throw myself under the bed covers forevermore. But God can bring glorious redemption to humorous and horrifying mistakes, and that’s reason enough to stand where the Son warms your face, to sing a new song.
Falling down the stairs on the first date? David still insists this date where I fell ‘gracefully’ is the day he fell hopelessly in love. And I am surprised at how at my most awkward, he found me most graceful and charming.
Forgetting my sons’ student-of-the-month luncheons? They surprised me with how graciously they forgave. I used to think those kinds of oops could stick with a kid, but it’s not even a blip on their radar.
Walking out of the ladies room with my sweaterdress caught up in my tights? And forgetting a zipper check before parent/teacher conferences? I am surprised how pride-knocking can be more funny than painful.
And then there is one of the most terrifying but blessed mistakes our family has ever been through: Our daughter’s gymnastics fall that didn’t cause but highlighted a life threatening injury. An injury she had since age 2, if not since birth. Thankfully, surgery all but cured the problem, and in the ordeal our girl won some hard fought lessons in faith that take many a lifetime to learn.
I hope I never get over the surprise of learning how sometimes, a mistake is the best thing that can happen.
Because all the time, God’s grace is written all over our lives and He works even our mistakes for good.
If you are sharing your own surprise mistake-turned-blessing story today, here are some things to remember:
1. New to link-up’s or have questions? Read this first.
2. Since we all dig surprises, please surprise another writer by leaving a comment on her post *or* by giving her a facebook shout-out or tweet. Use the hashtag: #outoftheblue.
3. Be sure to include the out of the blue banner {see below} in your post or link back to Chasing Blue Skies so your readers can join in the fun. That way, we can all easily find each other.
Next week’s prompt: Share your unexpected or out of the blue surprise apology ~ one you received or felt compelled to give. I look forward to reading how God used this apology to build your faith, increase your joy, or make a difference in your life!
Sometimes those pride knocking moments are more funny later. But, we’ve got to be able to laugh at ourselves…Humor is the best medicine.
“God’s grace is written all over our lives.” Amen! You are beautiful Kristen.
Romans 8:1 Came to mind when I read your blog. If we are in Christ Jesus and He doesn’t condemn us for our mistakes…who are we to condemn ourselves? I’ve learned this lesson well because I have made mistakes, both silly and serious, and I take heart in God’s grace. Amen to Beth’s post above!!