I sit on my inlaws’ back patio under stretched maple branches when I watch a video of friends and former neighbors of ours. 11 year old Austin had the opportunity to throw the ceremonial first pitch at a Kansas City Royals baseball game. The video begins with Austin throwing the ball right to the catcher’s mitt. And then comes the best part: the catcher removes his mask and Austin’s eyes widen as his jaw drops. Standing behind home plate in an unfamiliar baseball uniform is a very familiar man: Austin’s dad, Rob, home from a year long deployment in the Middle East.
I watch the video a couple times and then wonder where Austin’s mom, Becky, is standing. Neither she nor Austin’s older sister is visible in the video, although I’m sure they’re close by. I want to pepper Becky with questions: When did you find out Rob would be the catcher? How did you keep such a surprise a secret from Austin? Did you get to watch from the baseball field? I’m dying to know how it all went down from her point of view.
But then I think how this paints a real reflection of life for the military spouse. Oh, not the part about a family moment seen everywhere from HuffPost to People. But rather how military spouses are usually behind-the-scenes, content to be “off camera.” As is the case with much in life, hidden off-camera doesn’t translate to insignificant. Most married military members will tell you they couldn’t do what they do without the support of their hardworking, brave spouses at home.
As we celebrate America’s patriotic holidays of all holidays this week, I wonder if you might want to join me in doing one small thing that shows big support to those who give their own support so freely?
After receiving nomination after nomination for military spouses most deserving of a special surprise, I launched a fundraiser in hopes of sending 40 care packages to 40 military spouses. We are 2/3 of the way funded and well on our way to wrapping it up, just $900-ish short from our goal. Several of you have already partnered with me, and for that I give you the biggest, squeeziest hug and say thank you.
If you would still like to contribute to our Care Packages for Military Spouses, now is your opportunity to do so. The fundraiser ends in 4 short days – on July 4th. If only a tiny percentage of readers here contributed $5 each, we would have this thing wrapped up lickety-split and be on our way to blessing 40 military spouses. Each package costs under $90 each and holds items from companies such as DaySpring, Lisa Leonard Designs, Cheryl’s cookies, Mary Kay, and more.
But the potential each package holds to encourage these heroes at home?
Because we all know that when we build up our military spouses, they are better able to build up their service member husbands and wives.
To make your own contribution, click here.
This summer, I continue to enjoy my bloggy break with at-home kids, back-porch sunshine, and pie from the oven. And somehow between road trips and pool trips I’ve managed to squeak out more words for the book (thankyouLord). I need to squeak out a whole lot more, so the break will continue for a bit longer. I’ll also be using this time to wrap up and send our care packages!
Just the same, I miss hanging with y’all. If you have a moment, can you let me know what’s going on with you and yours right now? But if you’re too busy summer-ing to do so, you bet I understand. And I raise my snow cone in your honor to toast you with a good job, friend.
May these long, light-filled days of summer brim with all your favorite things, darlings. I love you!
And in case you didn’t see the video of Rob and Austin Sides, check it out below. (With kleenex, of course.) Subscribers, click here to see the video.
I love your heart and YOU! Just a few more months until that husband of mine returns home. My son will be leaving soon so prayers for him and his wife would be greatly appreciated. Thanks! Now I am off to share…
Gracious, one comes home just in time for one to leave. Oh my heart.
Love you so much, Beth, and will continue to lift you and yours up in prayer. Have a wonderful week, m’friend. xo
Oh my goodness, I have a lump in my throat. Thank you for all that you do – the spouses back home, the kids who miss their dads/moms. What a sacrifice. I hope you’re enjoying your break and are able to live in the moment even while your book brews in your head. I struggle with that sometimes, especially now, and I’m only writing a proposal! Headed to She Speaks in three weeks… you inspire me!
Oooo do let me know how She Speaks goes for you, please? Praying for you now, Becky! xo
Thank you so much for working so hard to support military spouses! My husband served in the USMC (before we met) as did all the men in both our families. So we hold military service dear to our hearts and feel blessed to be able to give back when we can. God bless you and the spouses that will receive gifts of encouragement!
Thank you kind Jenn. And thank your husband for me, too. Have a wonderful holiday this weekend!
Love this so much, friend! Just shared again and donated. 🙂 XO
Holley, you make me tear up. Thank YOU. xoxo
I was a soldier in Iraq…. and I can say that care packages saved my life out there. I got my packages from Americans through a site called http://www.anysoldier.com Thank you all for helping the U.S. Soldiers…. we really do appreciate all of you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
This is an update from Spc Turner now in 2018 I am now a 100 percent disabled combat veteran. I still remember very fondly all the people who lovingly put packages together for me and my fellow soldiers thank you for making our time there a little bit easier!!!
Thank you so much for your service and sacrifice, Spc Turner. You’re so valued and appreciated!