I pace back and forth in the middle of Phelan Garden Center holding a flat of yellow and red petunias. Should I buy them to plant around my front yard trees or just forego it this year? And furthermore, why in the Sam Hill is the decision to buy flowers such a hard one? Heaven forbid you ask me about a really difficult choice like whether we should have pizza or spaghetti for dinner. I might just curl up and cry.
Actually, my flower issue is really about saying yes to everything I usually say yes to even though my schedule is more full than it’s ever been. I simply can’t keep saying yes without sacrificing things that have no business being sacrificed.
I’m learning how a well-placed no can be the best kind of fresh-air.
Sometimes saying no is a no brainer, easy and quick. But if my no has the potential to disappoint someone? Well, this people-pleaser struggles with that.
But here’s the thing: giving too many yes’s to others still disappoints someone: me. I am discovering the value in being true to God’s best for me and how that sometimes includes a well-placed no (or several). Slowly, I am learning how no one is the boss of my schedule but me, and how freeing it is to refrain from the automatic yes so I can be the boss of what’s in my schedule, too.
Will you join me here and share what you’ve learned about saying ‘no’ with confidence and not guilt?
The wonderful thing about a well-placed no is that it opens the door to allow a better-for-you yes to walk through. Here are some of my favorite yes’s of this summer so far:
Finally, I owe y’all a Texas-sized *thank you* for all the support – either through making a donation, dishing out some social media love, or both – toward our care packages for military spouses!
Y’all, our care packages fundraiser is FULLY funded!
If you read some of the excerpts from the spouse nominations, you know your well-placed yes to this project is beyond appreciated. I am chomping at the bit to get these 40 care packages boxed up and shipped to deserving military spouses all over the world.
I am also chomping at the bit to begin writing here regularly again. Soon, soon, soon!
In the meantime, know I love and cherish our fresh-air family here. You are treasured, m’loves. xo
[…] mercy of other peoples’ requests and struggle with getting through the awkward disappointment of a well placed ‘no’, then this book is for you. Soaking up a chapter a day is one best yes decision my soul is grateful […]