I glance at my phone just in time to see the lit-up news teaser, and once again I can’t believe what it relays. I tap the link and read the article, sickened to my core by hateful words and pixels.
“Oh Lord, may Your Kingdom come,” I pray out loud.
It is good to dwell in unity, but how heartbreaking it is when we wake to yet another sign that unity is not our reality.
How soul-crushing it is when the way things are supposed to be are far from the way things are.
I want to flail my arms and talk through clenched teeth at people believing they’re superior to others. But then words from our pastor’s sermon float into memory,
“The way of shame and guilt and the way of tolerance are both outside-in approaches. Christianity is an inside-out approach. It’s about transformation. Jesus died for His friends, but He also died for His enemies.” ~ Pastor Vince Hoppe
And I’m convicted to my core because heaven help me, there’ve been times in my life when I’ve been guilty of feeling superior to others.
There’ve been times I’ve squinted my eyes rather than opened my heart, talked when I should’ve listened.
There’ve been times I’ve forgotten that Scripture says we belong to one another.
I can pray for others and dialogue with others, certainly, but I can only act for myself.
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