Inside the hundred year old house, we have ourselves a grown-up girl slumber party. We talk late into the night about marriage, parenting, the good and hard around both. So many places to go wrong, so many prayers for God to make right. I laugh to myself thinking old or young, some things for girls don’t change: We still want to share our secrets.
I sit on the sofa with legs folded beside me. I sip my drink and wonder what makes me so willing to spill the deep-down fears out all messy-like in front of a few while remaining quiet in front of most. Oh sure, pride can make me want to project an image of having it all together more than I do. But if you’re a regular ’round these parts, you know I’m just not into presenting a shiny, photoshopped version of myself. I try to balance sharing my junk without oversharing the inappropriate. Discernment is a good thing.
But how do I discern who visits the interiors of my life and who doesn’t? I read Jesus’ prayer in John, and I think it gives the answer,
Father, I want those you have given me to be with me where I am, and to see my glory…”
John 17:24
Those who sit with me where I am are those who hear my secrets. They don’t act like they are ahead of little ol’ me while rolling their eyes and tapping their self-righteous little toe. They don’t act like they are behind me by making it all about them or allowing my stuff to make them feel small. They sit smack-dab next to me, holding my hand while encouraging my heart.
And when this happens, they have my trust.
Jesus wants us with Him where He is, wherever He asks us to go. God places people in our lives then asks us to meet them where they are. To love them right where they are, not where I wish they were. May I do this better everyday, sit beside those and listen to their secrets. And may the glory of Jesus shine through the sharing and the trusting.
Beth says
Oh thank you Kristen!!! I needed to read this today and everyday it seems lately!
Kristen says
Me too, Beth. Me too.
Sarah H. says
What a great post, and so very true. I have a hard time sometimes knowing who and when to share with. Don’t want to share too much, don’t want to get burned for sharing with someone not worthy of trust. Thanks for sharing.
Kristen says
I do too, Sarah. It’s a hard balance, huh? For me, the discernment takes time and the Holy Spirit’s direction.
Diane Bailey says
Amen, Living the Life…right where we are trusting Him before we worry about trusting other. Friendships are difficult but God is good. Amen
Kristen says
Yes and yes, Diane. Thank you so much for your presence here, friend!
Sarah@SpeakingofTruth says
“Those who sit with me where I am are those who hear my secrets.” Kristen…you have no idea the balm that washed over me when I read that. No joke, ten minutes ago I was writing a bitter journal entry about friendship and lack of support and on and on and on…so negative…so void of grace…and when I read this, God brought to mind several names of women He has blessed me with, women who really DO build me up and pour His love onto me, who sit with me right where I am and hold my hand! How sad that I had been forgetting all the good in my obsession with the bad. Yes, friendship can be painful, don’t we all know it! But what a gracious God He is to provide for that relational need in our lives. And now I’m challenged to go and BE the kind of friend to others that I would want in my own life.
Thank you, Kristen!
Kristen says
Oh, I’m guilty of this too, Sarah ~ sitting in the negative when people just don’t act like I wish they would. You remind me to extend the grace I desperately need. Thank you, Sarah!
Rebecca says
I’ll sit where you are anytime Friend….of course, that means you get the “fun” of sitting where I am too : )
Kristen says
I wouldn’t have it any other way!