It happened when the school year had barely left the ground. Two of my three kids, James and Faith, plodded through homework in there favorite spots around the house. My other child, Ethan the percussionist, ate an early dinner before a friend picked him up for symphony practice. As I pulled dinner together for the remaining 4 of us, Ethan ran upstairs to grab his hoodie and drum sticks. Faith called out that his ride had arrived, so I made my way from the kitchen to the front door. That’s when I heard what sounded like the everlovin’ house falling down as Ethan tripped and tumbled down half the staircase.
I flew to the foot of the stairs just in time to see Ethan’s head smack hard–very hard–into a table. He lay motionless on the floor, and I stood breathless in my spot.
I dropped down, my hand gently touching the back of his head. Finding my voice, I squeaked,
“Ethan! Wake up, baby! Wake up!”
After a few seconds, he stirred, and my husband and I helped him sit down on the stairs. Because miracles are real, Ethan suffered only a mild concussion and an injured arm that required physical therapy.
Ethan seems to grow an inch a day, so it’s easy to see how his changing height tinkers with his equilibrium. Combine this with his size 12 feet and the way he descends stairs like a great dane who’s been called to dinner, and I wonder how this kind of fall hasn’t happened sooner.
Sometimes life throws curveballs that can affect us just the same. We are moving full steam ahead when something knocks us off our equilibrium. Maybe that something is an unwanted change in the form of a dream dashed or a disappointment received. Whatever it is, it causes you to twist and tumble downward, hitting and bumping every hard surface along the way. Next thing you know you’re sprawled on the ground with your head aching.
And your heart broken.
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Need additional encouragement for dealing with life’s curveballs? Perhaps Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You through Life’s Transitions can help. When you order it from your favorite bookseller, you can receive gorgeous artwork and the small group companion guide for FREE. Find all the details here!
Amen. Thank you for the encouragement, Kristen! God bless you, your handsome son, and your beautiful family:)
Life can throw many curve balls at you! God is always there to see you through them! My biggie thing right now is to pray about everything!! Go to your War Room and hit the floor of Heaven hard!
Thank you for willingly sharing your life and family with us!!
Congratulations on the book!!
God Bless 🙂