Every mom wants more time to teach and prepare her kiddo, but the graduate’s mom is keenly aware time is running out to do this, to do so much. Sitting in her spot between Done and Should Have Done, she worries she’s missed too much.
Maybe she’s a little sad to have let opportunities slip.
Shine Your light on these thoughts in the shadows, and tell her heart that she has done more than she remembers, more than she knows.
Lord, turn every wish for a do-over into wonder for Your grace that fills our gaps.
Only You know the number of Candyland games played, the amount of Goldfish crackers served, and how many trips to the little one’s bedroom she’s made in the middle of the night.
Only You know the number of meals she’s brought to the table, the amount of tears she’s wiped with soothing words, and how many papers she’s proofread in the late evening hours.
Only You know how many kisses she’s been given, how many art drawings she’s been awarded, and how many I love you’s she’s been told.
She holds these memories in her hands like colorful glass beads, careful not to drop a single one. Thank You, Lord, for the gift of each memory, for the gift of her child.
You know how many times she’s steadied herself when the door slammed, the words flew, and the anger rose.
You know how many times she’s stood over beds fretting and praying over this kid’s big decisions and choices.
Remind her of all the ways she has showed up time and again.
You know how she has begged your discernment in parenting, and now she begs You give this child discernment in this next phase of life.
Affirm in her heart that she has been a good mom–that she *is* a good mom.
Lord, You smooth rocky bumps and soften rough edges. Encourage her that while she’s made mistakes, she can lean on the work of Jesus Who covers those mistakes.
Let her know Your eyes follow where hers cannot.
Open her child’s eyes to all this mom has done, and move her child to show thankfulness to her and for her.
Out of desire and not duty, may her kiddo want to be in her life always.
Surprise this mom with a bold message that confirms You’re proud of her and that she is loved–by You and by her baby.
Let her know You see her, that You see all the ways she’s served her child. May she know in her heart these words from Your own: well done, good and faithful servant.
Turn her grieving over this change into grace over this child.
Turn her sadness for this season into wonder for Your ways.
May she know with each new change comes Your same promise of presence.
Thank You for the way this mom has loved, cherished and held her child.
And now, as her baby goes into the world, hold them both. May they walk in the light of Your love today and always.
In the enduring name of Jesus,
Need a gift idea for the girl graduate in your life? Consider this beautiful printable, which you can receive for FREE as a 5X7 print here or a 4X6 print here. Frame it or tuck it inside a copy of Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You Through Life’s Transitions–the perfect gift for the teen girl off to college or the college graduate.
Such a sweet prayer. Moms often fret about doing enough. Take heart you have done enough and then some. You have taught your children well, mended broken hearts, cooked countless meals and done so much more. Thank you to all moms out there for your service to your children. As the young men and women enter the world may they hold the truths you have taught them in their hearts.
As moms will do anything for our children and as daughter (or sons), we sometimes take moms for granted until something goes wrong and they aren’t there to pick things up.