If you are playing along, here are a few things to remember:
1. New to link-up’s or have questions? Read this first.
2. Since we all dig surprises, please surprise another writer by leaving a comment on her post *or* by giving a facebook shout-out or tweet. Use the hashtag: #outoftheblue.
3. Be sure to include the out of the blue banner {see below} in your post or link back to Chasing Blue Skies so your readers can join in the fun. That way, we can all easily find each other.
God is full of surprises, and He uses these different blessings to prove His dependable faithfulness. Out of the blue helps us look expectantly for them as we live our lives exploring them.
When the Thing You Fear Becomes the Thing You Needed All Along
The street sign- the one perched on the lane where the blacktop ends near dairy farms and the Arkansas River – holds the same name as my maiden one. It marks the spot where my childhood sprang up like the oak trees that dot themselves near alfalfa fields and holstein cattle. Where little girls play pretend games with sweet sisters until the hot sun descends behind the timber line.
I grew up in Osage County and flourished under the warm blanket of blue skies and comfortable familiarity. Surrounded by extended family and ever ready playmates, I didn’t know the meaning of lonely. So when I grew up and married an Air Force man, I feared getting acquainted with unfamiliarity. Seasons of loneliness would be the price I paid for the awaiting adventures the military lifestyle brings.
Sometimes this was true.
But I was surprised how often it wasn’t.
Sure, awaiting adventures meant all kinds of new experiences. New scenery. New addresses. New accents. Lonely times. But also wrapped in the new adventures were relationships waiting to be formed:
My friends and fellow teachers I prayed alongside at Mark Twain Elementary.
My sisters from Juniper Court who stood with me as I cut new Mama teeth.
The Wednesday morning Bible study girls from Emmanuel Lutheran who woke me up to Scripture through my first Beth Moore study.
The community of Calvary South Maui who gave David, the kids and I family on a far away island.
And all these folks are just part of the story.
While we hopscotched across this country, the Lord heard my cries and set this girl and her family in a community over and over again.
Sometimes it came slowly.
But it came.
Eighteen years ago, I worried a yes to adventure also meant a yes to lonely unfamiliar. Little did I realize God would use one to cure the other, that adventure would be found in people more than places. There’s no denying the truth: He gives immeasurably more than we ask, think, or imagine.
And that’s one surprise I’ll never get over.
Next week’s out of the blue prompt: What unexpected, surprise appreciation did you receive from someone or extend to someone? How did God use their thank you to make a difference in your day, your year, your life? Or in that of someone else’s?
Lovely post. I was a military wife for a while, I understand the struggle AND the beauty in the journey.
Thank you, Lisa. Also? I visited your place this morning, and its lovely oh-so. I adore your sense of humor!!
“The adventure found in people more than places?”
I’ve never thought of that, but, yes, it was people I was scared of most of all. But now, and it’s only since I’ve been on this blogging adventure, truly, that I’ve learned how much it’s people and community that I’ve needed. It’s how God designed us, isn’t it? And the enemy of our souls, he knows it, too, and works hard to keep us by ourselves. We are so much better together. 🙂 Thank you for making room for us at your place. I feel so welcome here.