The other day a friend and I sat with hands wrapped around steamy cups of coffee and chai, and she asked me how long I’ve been working on my book. I had to pause and think for a minute because you know what? That’s not a cut and dry question. It’s like asking a military kid Where are you from? There is more than one right answer to the question.
In the literal sense, it took 6 months to write the original manuscript. But if you want to know how long I’ve been working on this book or the proposal for this book, the answer is since summer of 2013. And what’s more, it’s true I’ve been down in the trenches learning the message of the book for most–if not all–of my married life.
Before I learned how to better accept the change God allows in my life, I lived hostile to it, certain that the change was in the way of what my life was supposed to be. I fought it like crazy, confident the only road to contentment was near the corner of Calm & Familiarity. I thought that handling change well meant leaning in the opposite direction of it. I believed the change to have no purpose except to drive me batty.
But what if change is just on the way to how your life is supposed to be rather than in the way?
What if the road to contentment is found in the midst of change rather than around it?
What if in this world that literally tilts on an axis, you steadied yourself by leaning into the change rather than away from it?
What if the purpose of the change was for God to bring himself closer to you than ever before?
Of course, this doesn’t mean we don’t leave a safe place to acknowledge the hard parts of change too. You know me too well to believe I’d ever suggest such a thing. But it can still mean we believe the change is not the end of life as we know it. Instead, God’s grace and goodness are.
When I look over my shoulder from today to the beginning of my own change story, it feels like I’ve taken a million steps uphill and in the snow to get from there to here. But you know what? I still got here. Sure, sometimes I backtrack. But when that happens, I regroup and recommit to begin again with a fresh start. I’ve seen change in a new light, and I’ve felt the Lord’s goodness through change enough to believe he doesn’t want me to be miserable through it. He wants me to know that even here, he is faithful.
If you decide to read this book, that means you’re committed to begin again by seeing change in a new light too. It is my prayer that no matter what your next step is admidst your change, you believe God will indeed meet your sense of anxiety with his sense of purpose. It is my prayer that you see his intention to use this change for your benefit and his glory.
So for our next step, it seems appropriate to have us a little party.
It seems good and right to honor the message of change God wants us to know. I think it would give him pleasure to see several of his daughters and their families celebrating a new vision for the change in their lives. My friend Allison thinks so too, so she is throwing a little shindig to celebrate all this and to celebrate this book baby’s birthday!
Although I know it will be easier for you local folks to attend, each of you are warmly invited!
If you join us for the soiree, there will be:
light snacks
live classical music*
giveaway prizes
the opportunity to get your book signed
*Don’t think this little affair is going to be super fancy because we will have classical music. It will be nice and casual. And while I love classical music, you know I’ll be requesting a few country fiddle tunes as well (cough cough “Orange Blossom Special” cough cough).
If you’re attending, you can RSVP one of two ways:
- Email me at and let me know how many are attending in your group.
- Visit the launch party’s facebook page and sign up to attend there.
Looking forward to seeing you one month from today in Colorado Springs!
PS: If you’ve never heard of “Orange Blossom Special,” bless your deprived little heart (grin). Here’s a cute group of wee-watts performing it. They are good! (Subscribers click here to view.)
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
You know if I could be there I certainly would!! So excited for you! I am looking forward to reading your book and even more so sharing it with my daughter who fights change like a welter weight champion. I wish you all the best and share in your joy in reaching this milestone and accomplishment. To God be the glory!!
Love ya,
Bev xx
Kristen says
Bev, your daughter and I would probably get along very well. 🙂
Thanks so much for being a constant light and so supportive, Bev. It is no small thing. Love you!
Stella says
My book is on order and I am waiting excitedly for it. I have never dealt with change well. My life, in my opinion, always has to be planned out. I find myself in a place where I feel my life changing but I don’t know how or where it is taking me. I am however learning to embrace the journey and find peace in the midst of it all. I think that is why your words today of ..”But what if change is just on the way to how your life is supposed to be rather than in the way? What if the road to contentment is found in the midst of change rather than around it? What if in this world that literally tilts on an axis, you steadied yourself by leaning into the change rather than away from it? What if the purpose of the change was for God to bring himself closer to you than ever before?” so touched my heart. It’s as though God, through your words, whispered in my ear to ensure me I’m at least on the right road even if I don’t know where it leads. Wishing you success as the book launch draws closer!
Kristen says
I’m so glad those sentences spoke to you, Stella. I’ve had to learn their truth the hard way. Solidarity, sister! Thank you for your words of encouragement. So grateful.
Susan G. says
Wow that Baker Family is awesome!!! Gonna watch this one again and again! 🙂 And yes, I do know the Orange Blossom Special…I grew up listening to it on the ‘record player’…and still have the 45 around here somewhere. Having been born in the 50’s and having a dad who listened only to country music, it was a fave!
I so think every woman needs to read your book! That is what our whole lives consist of – CHANGE! And we better get used to it and learn how to deal with it in a healthy way, allowing God to lead us. I love this portion of your statement above, “God’s next best thing for you.”….because that’s exactly what it is. We need to ask Him what we are doing next and follow Him with our whole heart and life, and do what He calls us to next.
I pray your book party is fabulous! Wish I lived in Colorado! 🙂 But alas I live in Oregon and part time in California…
May you be blessed abundantly!
Pat Kane says
Sorry I live too far away for your wee launch party 🙁 anyway wish you God’s richest blessings
Beth Williams says
Congratulations on your new book! I pray the book launch goes well and lots of people show up!!! You deserve the best! Thanks for a great book and one certainly worth reading.
Everyone at some point in life will encounter change. My change now has been dealing with my aging dad’s medical issues and quitting a job to do so! It is hard to realize that I must be more available.
Congratulations again@
Beth Williams says
Loved these: ”But what if change is just on the way to how your life is supposed to be rather than in the way? What if the road to contentment is found in the midst of change rather than around it? What if in this world that literally tilts on an axis, you steadied yourself by leaning into the change rather than away from it? What if the purpose of the change was for God to bring himself closer to you than ever before?” I know for certain that part of my change has been drawing closer to God. I listen to more and more Christian teachings and pray more about life and friends!
I never thought about change being on the way to how life is supposed to be. Contentment road is found in contentment–WOW! Such insightful thinking. I much prefer the usual, regular, rut routine of life–not change. My hubby is much the same. He has had much change in the last year plus.
I wish I could be there and share in your joy! I pray you and your family is blessed!!