A few days ago, a kind email landed in my inbox from one of my launch team members. I had just asked those members of my launch team who had finished reading Girl Meets Change to leave a review on Goodreads. This launch team member, Debra, wrote me to say that as she looked at reviews of other books on Goodreads, she noticed some of them were just plain hurtful. Knowing the land of vulnerability that publishing a book entails and how I could quite possibly receive a hurtful one or two (or more) of my own, she offered up a beautiful prayer on my behalf–a sword wielded at the gates of the book.
If you believe the kindness of Debra’s act and imagery of her words brought tears to my eyes, you’d be right. I only know Deb through my launch team, but her words and actions are a remarkable testimony to the beauty found in the family of Christ.
Great day, I hope I never get over it.
To be sure, this book journey has held its share of difficulties, namely in how I’ve been tested on change in ways like never before (because of course). Other less desirable realities will show their faces still. But there have been an abundance of soul-nourishing gifts in it too, like Debra’s prayer. There have been enjoyable parts to the ride, and some just may encourage you as you pursue your own interests and walk through your own season of change.
Three Enjoyable Things to Come from Writing this Book:
Holding Evidence of Hard Work in My Hands On a Friday afternoon, a real deal copy of Girl Meets Change arrived to my front door. As someone who has dreamed of this since she was 10 years old, it was no small thing to receive this book from the UPS man into my shaky, 41 year old hands. I will always be grateful to God for not only remembering the dreams of a little girl, but also for giving me the change-filled life he’s given me that prepared me for the book’s message.
A Home Base for Girl Meets Change I am so so happy to have my book page up and running. The lovely Erin Ulrich did a wonderful job creating it, and I’m especially thankful to Jenn Tucker who did the title art for me. (Have you seen her cute shop Little House Studio? Beautiful prints inside–and free printables!) I adore this book page because not only is it simple and beautiful, but it also feels like information about the book now has a comfy place to land. As odd as it sounds, this gives me a little rest, too.
If you feel like perusing the page, you’ll find *beautiful* graphics and tweets to share, and endorsements from writers like Ann Voskamp, Emily P. Freeman, Holley Gerth, Lisa-Jo Baker, and Leeana Tankersley. There’s also some really lovely testimonials from other readers of the book. If you feel like sharing the book page with others, you can refer folks to the handy dandy link www.girlmeetschange.com. Hooray for something that’s easy to remember!
A Shimmering Community of Fellow Girl-Meets-Changers When I begin to feel wobbly or overwhelmed because change has me sitting on the edge of something new, I hop onto instagram and check out the latest photos from our #girlmeetschange community. No lie–it’s an instant deep breath for my heart. At this time on the calendar when school is beginning, moves are happening, families are transitioning and new jobs are starting, I find it helpful to see glimpses into the lives of others experiencing the same thing. Change isn’t as scary when you’re experiencing it with others. Feel free to join in the fun by posting your own snapshot of change tagged with #girlmeetschange.
I pray y’all have a good week, dear friends. And whatever creative interests you have, I encourage you to paint it, draw it, write it, teach it, bake it, craft it, film it, take it, and do it. Whether others have the privilege of seeing evidence of your hard work or you and God alone, take some time to sit and enjoy the fruits of your God-given talent. It all matters.
Much love to each of you! xo
Congratulations on the book, book page, Instagram page, etc. You deserve it! Change is hard–change is scary & I don’t like it any more than others do. Turning 49 brought about some changes that have lasted to 50. Such a hard year for me and my family. Praise God we are getting through it!!
I will pray for the launch to go super well and that you get good reviews of the book. Disregard the negative reviews some people are just jealous of others!
Rejoicing with you! So glad Debra prayed with you. I believe God will bless others through the reading of your book in spite of the difficulties.
Your kindness and support mean the world, Julie. Thank you so, so much.
The picture of you holding your book for the first time made tears spring to my eyes. Don’t know why! But I can just sense how significant of a moment it was for you through that image- so similar to laboring over a baby, I’d imagine. You’re creating beautiful things, sister!