I stare out my back screen door, wondering why this summer looks different. It dawns on me this is the first summer in three years I’ve been able to really rest. Three years ago, my husband was deployed. Two years ago, our jam-packed summer had us playing tour guide for visiting family and friends {I’m sure living in Maui had something to do with that}. Last year, we made the long move from our island home to Colorado. So, this is the first summer in a long while I’ve been able to do lazy things like stare out windows for extended periods of time.
Of course, slower schedules still have holes in them, and the crazy wants to fill those holes and work double time to run me ragged. While I’ve been a little quieter in this writing space, my fingers have been flying overtime working on other projects. Our family faces big transitions, too, and my mind races with infinite “what if’s.” It’s only when I rest in God whose vocabulary knows no “what if’s” that I smile again.
So, I’m balancing writing with helping big kids choose and make dinner. I’m giving myself room to perfect Miss Mary Mack with my daughter while working on material for a new cool thing. I’m staring out windows as I inhale clean Colorado air and exhale stress.
I am counting my countless blessings and enjoying this summer groove while remembering He is good and His mercy endures forever.
No if’s, and’s, or but’s.
This sounds like the perfect way to enjoy the summer. You will have to share some of your dinner recipes with me.
Here’s what we had last night! 🙂
So glad you are getting to rest this summer! I LOVE this picture!
It brings up good memories, doesn’t it? Love you, Sista!
Sounds like a most delightful summer! I’m gearing up for She Speaks too (and I’m a bit nervous). Hope I get a chance to meet you there 🙂 Congrats on the (in)courage gig…that is a wonderful place for your words to be.
Jamie, I’m so excited you’ll be there! I’ll look for you!
And? I’m nervous, too. Maybe we can hold each other’s hand? 🙂
How fun! I’ll be at She Speaks too. It’s coming soon, soon, soon. Unfortunately, this summer I’ve been playing tour guide, and therefore, I am stressing.
Oh, all your talk of Colorado makes me miss it. We moved from there three years ago, and I still miss those mountains. Now, we have another set of mountains, but they just aren’t the same!