I thought it about time I dug out from under ceiling texture, drywall powder, and sawdust to say hello to y’all.
Basically, I just missed you. Have I told you lately that I love you? (Thank you, Rod Stewart.)
As you may know, I took a blog break this summer, mostly due to our family’s move from our city house to our country house. And while we’re all moved into our new (to us) home, we’re still under construction for the master bedroom/bath addition. (Tip: Anytime someone gives you a construction time estimate, add a couple months and multiply it by 2. I know of what I speak.)
This is my future office. Isn’t it dreamy? *eye roll emoji* Alas, it will be someday! In the meantime, there’s plenty to enjoy at our new place, like this little corner of our covered porch.
We have an open meadow next to our house, and in an unassuming corner of it we placed a bench. When my sons and I plopped it down under an open-armed pine, I thought we were setting it in the middle of nowhere. But the more I sit on that bench, the more I realize it’s in the middle of everything.
I wish you could sit on it with me and hear the wind through the decades-old pine trees. The sound breaks the quiet in the most whisper-gentle way. The wind rises and catch the pine branches, and the sound crescendos and decrescendos in one long, smooth pattern. I suppose it’s the sea shore’s equal to the reassuring sound of the steady surf.
(Subscribers click here to watch and listen.)
(All readers, it may take a moment or two for the video to load.)
That sound has become the metronome of our days, and I don’t think I’ll ever get tired of it. As one who grew up in the country then lived for over 20 years in big cities (or a tiny island) in everything from an apartment to a condo to on-base duplexes to suburban homes, this place is very much like coming home.
We have yet to meet any of our neighbors. I had hoped one or two of them would saunter up our front walk and introduce themselves, especially since one or two of them have girls my daughter’s age. Alas, no such thing has happened. The other day I told Faith, after she asked for the 46th time when we were going to meet our neighbors, that I thought we were going to have to introduce ourselves to them first.
Truth is I think they ought to go first. For cryin’ out loud, we are the new people! But as this move is far from my first rodeo, I know that if you want to meet the folks around you, sometimes you must (as my daddy used to say) take the bull by the horns and initiate an introduction. Besides, there could be all kinds of good reasons as to why they haven’t yet introduced themselves to us. And really it doesn’t matter. The end result is basically the same no matter who walks up whose driveway first.
Speaking of friends, I have a post on friendship at (in)courage today. It’s for all of us who’ve suddenly and surprisingly found ourselves in a new friendship season. It’s for those who are waiting on God at a particularly lonely time and need a word of encouragement during the wait.
Soon I’ll also put together my next newsletter, so if you aren’t already receiving them, you can click here to subscribe. When you do, you’ll receive a bonus goody, the 7 Day Change Challenge, delivered to your inbox automatically.
For now, I better say goodbye as I have a date with my man to pick out tile for our new bathroom floor and shower (fun!) as well as a date with the broom to sweep out all the cobwebs that pop up every night (not so fun). It’s been good to meet you here, friends. Let me know how your summer was and what’s up in your neck of the woods? Much love, dear ones!
We moved to the country and had a master bed/bath added to our (new-to-us) home, so I totally understand that construction timeline equation. Your new place looks lovely! I’m glad you shared it with us today.
Wow! #parallellives right Kristin? Thank you dearie. xoxo
Oh Kristen! When your sweet post popped up on my screen I almost cried. I love coming to this wide-open, blue-skied place.
I wish Alabama and Colorado weren’t so far apart because I think I could spend hours on that bench listening to the wind and knowing the One who sent it has not lost sight of me and all the changes swirling around me.
Thank you for your words, your heart, and for just being the incredible person you are!
I wish Alabama and Colorado were closer too! Know there’s always a place for you on my bench, Teri Lynne. So much love to you!
That video. I am flying to COS in 22 days to visit my mom. I can’t wait to hear those Aspen quaking. Colorado forces me to exhale.
I guess we will know where you will be if we don’t hear from you for long periods of time, on the bench being inspired! Breathing in a lot of God’s beauty!
I know you will enjoy your new home and look forward to hearing more about it, welcome back, good to hear from you again!
Sounds like some hard work going on with a nice payoff in the end. We bought a 1985 home five years ago and have done a lot to the place. It’s in a rural area and we are enjoying the fruits of our labor! So I just finished writing my first solo book, Repurposed Faith: Breathing New Life Into Your Quiet Time. Something to take with you when you sit on your bench under the tree 🙂 … Blessings and love from your neighbor in Kansas!
Oh, it looks so beautiful! We just moved in July and no one came to meet us, either. I was the welcoming committee in our old neighborhood and I wanted to stomp my feet, too. “It’s not MY job to go meet everyone! Why doesn’t anyone want to come meet us?!” So refreshing to hear the moving pro (YOU!) say that we just need to take the bull by the horns! I did, even though I didn’t want to. Thanks for sharing!!
Love the area your house is in. Reminds me of S. Georgia. I would love to live in the country on a few acres with few neighbors. Don’t care for big cities at all. I like the open and quiet of country living.
Good luck getting all the work done!
Blessings 🙂
Thank you Beth! So good to see you here again.
Seeing your photos and reading your message makes me long for wide open spaces. I’m a city girl but I’ve had the chance to live out a for a little while in the country and while I was there I loved every minute of it. Hoping your room, office an bathroom gets done just the way you want it before winter rolls in. I have missed your blog and so enjoyed hearing from you. Hope all is well with your Father, your in my prayers.
Thank you for the kindest of comments here, Camille. I’ve missed being here too, I really have.
We are moving into our new house in 10 days. We have been living in TLF for 10 weeks. Did I mention there are 5 of us, a dog, and 5 turtles in about 800 square feet? Togetherness and a whole lot of fun memories to take with us. I too have been the welcoming committee for our last 8 moves, so I am praying someone comes over to welcome us this time. Good luck with all your changes; let’s try to enjoy the journey, right?
Amen, Crissy, amen. It helps to know I’m not the only one.
Also, we’ve done the TLF for almost 10 weeks, so I know of what you speak–except there was only 4 of us at the time and no turtles. 🙂 Praying right now that your neighborhood makes an especially strong effort to welcome you! Much love.