Well, spring break is over at my house (all the cry face emojis), so in many ways this week brings me back to regular routines. But on our little corner of the internet a less common event is just beginning!
Girl Meets Change is only $3.99 right now most everywhere ebooks are sold!
Hot diggity!
This means that right now, your favorite booksellers–including Amazon, B&N and others like apple ibooks–are offering the ebook version of Girl Meets Change at this discounted price. If you don’t have a nook, kindle, or e-reader, no worries! Simply download this free reader app for your phone, mac or PC and you can read the book that way. This is how yours truly here reads ebooks herself.
Also, if you order a single copy during this promotion (either an ebook or a print book), you can receive the book’s small group companion guide for FREE for a limited time. (Read more about the companion guide here.) Normally, you have to purchase 2 books to receive this, but not now. All you have to do is email your receipt for the copy purchased to girlmeetschange (at) gmail (dot) com. Then we’ll send a pdf of the companion guide your direction ASAP. If you are planning on participating in a summer book club, this would be a great time to get your friends together and purchase the book at a super low price with the companion guide thrown in for free!
Note: the $3.99 price is only for ebooks, not print books. While you can still receive the companion guide with a single print copy purchase of the book, you will have to pay the regular price for it.
Wondering if this book is for you? Perhaps this fun interactive quiz will help you decide. After taking it, you can read more about how you personally view and handle change as well as access a link to a chapter excerpt.
Are you going through a particularly challenging time of change? Would you love to see that difficult change in a more hopeful light? Then consider this $3.99 ebook sale of Girl Meets Change meant especially for you. If you’ve been waiting to grab your own copy, now would be a great time to do so! And feel free to direct your mama, sister, aunt, book club members, and bestie to this sale so they can grab their own copy too. (You can share this post with them or tag them on this instagram picture here.) Also, you can gift ebooks for kindle and nook by clicking the “give as a gift” tab on the right hand side of the page.
Get a copy for you and/or a friend on Kindle, Nook and others like apple ibooks or Kobo Reader.
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