Last week, we thought we were gonna have to put our dog down. She couldn’t walk, eat, drink, or use the bathroom regularly. And let me tell you, this dog is beloved. B-E-L-O-V-E-D. Our chocolate lab, Georgie, has solid territory in our hearts, and really, I surprise myself at how smitten I am with her. Until recent years, I was not a sentimental pet person. After all, I grew up believing all animals should live outside because the inside was for the people. Alas, time and having animal-loving-kids softened me, and both our dogs are inside dogs.
It’s been a hard year, and I DID NOT WANT TO LOSE THE DOG, especially since I knew it would bust up my three kids somethin’ fierce.
Anyhoo, Georgie rallied and kind of shocked us all by returning to her near-normal self. She’s still a 9 year old lab, so we know we’ve had more time with her than we’ll have in the future. But for now, we celebrate that she belongs with us, and we belong with her.
And really, this kind of sums up part of my belief system on belonging: Even if you and I don’t feel we belong as we’d like and want to know belonging in a deeper way, we can be thankful for where and with whom we belong today.
Now, I know some of you have been mighty shaken because you lost someone or something that was infinitely important to you and a mainstay of your own belonging. Perhaps that loss springs from:
- A shift in marital or family relationships.
- A loss of an important friendship.
- A difficult employment transition.
- A move across the country.
After all, a difficult change often precipitates a loss in belonging.
Also, your stress over a lack of belonging may come from sensing you’re trying to belong where you’re not meant to belong. Maybe you need help with:
- Creating healthy boundaries between you and others who are toxic.
- Clarity in seeing how you’re trying to belong in more places than God ever intended anyone to belong.
- Learning how to become a Belong Maker as you devote your time and energy to the best places for you and your people.
If any of this resonates with you, please consider picking up the digital form of Back Roads to Belonging. It’s only $1.99 right now, and here’s the handy links to find it:
Christianbook (it’s only $1.59 here!)
If you’re so inclined, consider sharing this deal with your people, too?
You would have my eternal thanks for doing so!
Also, the digital companion guide for the book is available for FREE right here.
Here’s to belonging right where we are, keeping our head and heart open for new places of connection, and remaining in Christ and relaxing into the places God has us today.
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