As this work week fades into the distance and your weekend illuminates the horizon, I pray you are loved in a way that affirms you are seen more fully and valued more highly than you realized. I pray your soul is strengthened by bricks of encouragement and mortar of belief that shelter it from the winds of insecurity. And I pray that you are able to breath in deeply renewed motivation to do what no one else can do as well as you.
“Don’t forget–no one else sees the world the way you do so no one else can the the stories you have to tell.” ~Charles de Lint
What I’m Doing:
Extending a Special Invite to YOU!
Next Tuesday and Wednesday, November 11th and 12th, I would like to use this blog to build a house of encouragement for our veterans *and* their spouses. On Tuesday, Veterans Day, I will be hosting a special linky where you can link up a blog post featuring a favorite picture or picture and story of you and the special veteran in your life (spouse, parent, grandpa, uncle, aunt, friend, or whomever!). It’ll be a welcoming place to say thank you to all those who selflessly serve and sacrifice by fighting for our freedom here at home and abroad.
If you don’t have a blog, feel free to leave a comment honoring your vet to my post next Tuesday. I will also be joining in the fun on Instagram and tagging my photo with #LoveMyVeteran.
But I don’t want to stop with only encouraging our Veterans.
I want to look to those spouses standing next to them and encourage them as well.
It’s no secret that military spouses are some of my favorite people on the planet. So on Wednesday, the day after Veterans Day, I will be widening the walls of our house of encouragement by opening the blog up for a second special linky where you can link up a bit of encouragement for the Veteran’s spouse. If you’re a military spouse, link-up a post that cheers on your fellow sisters and brothers! If you’re not, you can still like up and say thank you to these heroes behind the scenes who, as one Veteran put it, “. . . deserves recognition for being the backbone for military members that do what we do.”
Once again I will also be joining in the fun on Instagram and tagging my picture with #MilitarySpouseLove.
So just to recap:
Tuesday, November 11th (Veterans Day): link up a photo or photo and story of you and your special vet. #LoveMyVeteran
Wednesday, November 12th: link up a post encouraging military spouses. #MilitarySpouseLove
Great day, this is going to be fun!
In the Wild Blue Yonder
What I’m Reading:
A couple weeks ago I invited my neighbor friend Katelyn over for a playdate (she’s mighty partial to our swingset). While she was here, I read her Matthew Paul Turner’s new children’s book God Made Light. I’m not sure if Miss Katelyn responded most to the rhythmic cadence of the story, the engaging pages of artwork, or the affirming message that she is a light of God’s love, but she sat on my lap and let me read the whole thing. Any children’s book that can cause a 2 year old to sit for any duration is a winner in my book! I loved the book so much I grabbed a couple more for my sister’s children. You can find your copy here or here. (And maybe check off some Christmas shopping.)
Who I’m Following:
Photos from @5ftinf’s instagram page.
A few weeks ago, Myquillyn Smith mentioned that @5ftinf was her latest InstaCrush, and the moment I clicked over to her instagram page I could see why. Philippa Stanton’s posts say ART in colorful lights straight up from Swooneyville. There is a magical quality to them made even more exceptional because her pictures feature everyday objects and flowers. Looking at each photo gives me an immediate, relief-filled exhale. Just gorgeous! You can also find Philippa on her blog here.
Much love to you, friends, and I look forward to seeing you next Tuesday!
You have such a beautiful heart, Kristen. I’m getting away with my hero for a few days so I am not sure if I will have a chance to link up but just wanted to say thank you for how you love on our military families. Love you. xoxo