Like the warmth of abundant sunshine in early fall, may kind words find you and encourage you. When change shines a spotlight on your known and unknown expectations, may you accept Christ’s invitation to release them into his hands. And as you savor that pumpkin spiced treat or cup of cider, may you make a space to rest in the presence of Christ, the One who delights in your company.
I was so honored to have Girl Meets Change welcomed to a variety of online homes these last couple weeks. It is no small thing for a fellow writer to share their space with me, and I am mighty grateful. In case you missed them, here are some additional posts written by me as well as a few written by others that feature the book.
(in)courage’s Recommended Reads: Girl Meets Change
Proverbs 31 Ministries: Unwanted Change in Your Life
The Art of Simple: When the change in your life brings difficult questions
A Holy Experience (Ann Voskamp): When you’re desperate to find the light–when there are no windows
Ellie Kay: Hello, Change. It’s (Not) So Nice to Meet You
We Are THAT Family (Kristen Welch): If You Dislike Change and All It Brings
The Nester (Myquillyn Smith): Because Change Made Me and I Bet It’s Making You (Myquillyn wrote my amazing foreword!) (And she calls me the change mentor!)
Chatting at the Sky (Emily P. Freeman): One Thing Change Doesn’t Change
Just a reminder:
Whenever you purchase a single copy of Girl Meets Change from your favorite bookseller by September 30th, you can receive the small group companion guide for free. It will still be available for free after the end of this month, but you will have to purchase more than one copy of the book to receive it.
Have a wonderful first weekend of fall, friends. Much love to you!
Bev Duncan @ Walking Well With God says
I sure wish I had a copy of your book back when I was a new mom, plunked down in the middle of the Midwest (where I knew no one), a newborn in my arms and in the middle of January. Or when after many years of marriage I found myself alone as a single mom. Life inevitably brings change and the world needs a book like yours that leads you to hope instead of despair. I am getting a copy for my daughter…facing some big life changes, and am recommending it to friends. I know your book will be a God-send to many and I am lifting you up in prayer as YOU embark on yet another ( this time joyful) change.
Blessings and ((hugs)),
Kristen says
Bev, thank you for this–your words are a gift to my heart and soul. Love you!
Beth Williams says
Congratulations on your book launch! I’m glad you had great friends to be there for you on your special day!!
Change has hit me in the last year so much!! Dad moved into assisted living, had many illnesses and hospitalizations, hubby-forced out of one job-changed jobs not once but 3 times in that year (all for same company), I quit my job, dad is on hospice! Wow what a year I had! But I know God is in all this!! He will make a way for me to adjust to all this!!
Blessings 🙂
Beth Williams says
Praying for your book to do well for you! I pray it blesses and encourages women everywhere going through some kind of change!