The lilacs are blooming in Colorado now.
In June, people.
My brain tells me that is ridiculously late because in the rest of the country – and in most other places I’ve lived – lilacs bloomed two months ago. But the truth is for this mountainous town that sits 7,000 ft. above sea level, they bloomed right on time.
Not long ago a friend and I were talking about our awkward teenage years, and she asked me when I bloomed. While this could translate into different answers depending on the specific topic, I told her in general, it was around 35.
Give or take a year.
We all bloom, but we all do it against a timetable of one. In the physical sense, this is easy for me to remember.
But when it comes to talents, gifts, and callings? Oh, how I forget.
Sometimes, I see other people’s talents blooming in all their lavender glory, and I wonder when my own brown patch of earth will show some hints of green. I sit down, chin propped on hands and wonder when my drought will end.
If you’re waiting on this Wednesday, remember often it’s not if growth comes, but when.
“May God himself, the God who makes everything holy and whole, make you holy and whole, put you together—spirit, soul, and body—and keep you fit for the coming of our Master, Jesus Christ. The One who called you is completely dependable. If he said it, he’ll do it!” ~1 Thessalonians 5:23-24 The Message
God promises to make everything holy and whole, to put you together. He sees the environment where you live and knows that blossoming too early means short-lived blooms. God imprints on your soul all kind of beauty and gifts, and He knows the best time for them to burst forth.
All you can do is water the ground and wait, remembering you aren’t waiting in a time of drought but a time of finding out.
And a time of seeing how the Giver of All Good Things graciously prepares, divinely cares, and wholly loves.
If you are a military wife *or* a woman in transition, maybe this would bless you?
I’m traveling with my favorite four, so I won’t be posting much these next couple of weeks. I look forward to seeing you again regularly afterwards! Happy June, friends!
You are so right that we all bloom at different times…all of it in God’s perfect timing. I remember feeling like I had “bloomed” years ago, but then sometimes I think we may lie dormant for stages in our life (or very slow growth). Here I am at 52 feeling like I’m blooming all over again. 🙂 Great post…enjoy your time with your family!! Will miss you!
Oh yes, those times of dormancy or slow growth. And hooray for blooming at any and every age! Love you, Bev.
At different aspects of our lives we are blooming. We continually learn, develop and grow. I suppose once I’m 100 I might be fully bloomed yet wilting, too.
I love this, Kristen. I feel the same way…a late bloomer who watches other women shine ahead of my God-ordained schedule. Sometimes it’s too easy to forget the “God-ordained” part. I love how you said God knows the environment we live in. For me that means barely keeping up with weekly blog posting with two young kids in the house, so I should be grateful He’s not blessing me with a book deadline right now. 🙂 All in good time – God’s time. Blessings to you and your travelers!
I had been beating myself up over this for awhile. Thinking of “time wasted” rather than “time spent developing”. I am watching 20 and 30-somethings do things I’ve only just gotten into my repertoire and my kids are nearly grown and I’m finally understanding what it means to be a parent. I only just a year and a half ago had the courage to begin writing out here and it feels like there’s not much time left to get it all done. So…yeah. This is me. And I will take the NOW of it all as the sovereign plan of our Sovereign God and trust I am here now for such a time as this. Thanks!
I could not resist commenting. Perfectly written!