Scroll to the bottom of this post for details on how to get your own small group companion guide to Girl Meets Change.
If you lived within my four walls, you would hear rumblings of monumental change moving our direction. On the one hand, this is exciting. But on the other, it is the unknown, and the unknown often masquerades as scary. If this kind of change had found us 20 years ago, I would be doing my best to convince my husband of the foolishness found in giving it any discussion. I would have thought it too terrifying to even allow in the same room as us.
Change used to straight up scare me in both tiny and tremendous ways. Oh, not the change that was my idea. If I could choose the who, what, when, where and why of change, well then. Count me in! No, I’m talking about difficult change–change I didn’t ask for and definitely didn’t want. That is the kind of change I feared and dreaded.
I knew this for years, and for years I wanted to do something about it. I’d lament to myself, “I wish I could become less scared and more comfortable around change. I wish it didn’t make me so nervous.” I’d throw my hands in air and shake my head at myself, certain this was just how I was wired.
As you can imagine, wishing for this didn’t do me much good. After all, wishing to ride a bike never helped me learn how. Wishing to have dinner made still won’t get food on the table. When it came to change, at some point I had to take my wishing to doing.
Ever so slowly, the Lord began to weave a new message of change in my heart, a message that is the heart of Girl Meets Change: Truths to Carry You through Life’s Transitions. This brand new book of mine releases today and is now available wherever books are sold! So if you’re one who finds change even a little scary, perhaps Girl Meets Change can be the bridge that takes you from wishing to doing, too.
As I’ve first lived the message of Girl Meets Change and second written about it, I’ve seen how change is not a grievance but indeed a grace.
I’ve learned that sometimes God moves through change because he desires to be with us like never before.
I’ve felt how old things in life may be familiar, but new things may be fantastic.
With these truths securely in our hands, we look at change square in the eyes as we give it room to breath. In the process, we discover our scaredy feelings about change don’t have to be the boss of us. We learn that if God is always for me, then he means to use this change for me, too.
And that helps us move forward in faith rather than fear.
Learning to accept and adapt through change has not been the smoothest of roads, but these days I’m not so quick to turn change away. I know I needn’t fear it because change is just God’s next step to his best for me.
It’s God’s next step to his best for you, too.
Together, may we gather hope as we listen, learn and believe.
If you preordered this book OR purchase Girl Meets Change today through the end of the month, you will receive a copy of the book’s small group companion guide for free! Just send an email with your proof of purchase (i.e. a photo of your receipt) to girlmeetschange (at) gmail (dot) com and we’ll send you the companion guide ASAP.
Finally, not sure how you feel about change? Take this simple, fast quiz and find out.
Have a wonderful day, dear friends. So much love to you.
Stella says
I’m so excited. Received my confirmation text message that your book awaits me in my mailbox at home. Looking forward to curling up tonight and beginning my journey of learning to accept change!!
Tatia says
My copy of your baby came today 🙂 It’s just as beautiful in person as it is on the computer screen!! (And, almost as beautiful as it’s author :)) Can’t wait to get into it, Kristen; your writing is like a warm, comforting blanket that God uses to minister to my heart when everything feels topsy-turvy! ((hugs))
Irene Talaasen says
My book came today from Amazon!! Can’t wait to start reading it. Bravo, Kristen!!!!
Irene Talaasen
Susan G. says
I loved the little quiz. I fortunately have grown up feeling opposite of my mother…she always has hated change, and I can’t wait for something new – even a move! I know God made us all unique, and we do need each other and each others views!
So glad you have come to terms (mostly) with change, and have shared your journey of ‘change’ with all of us through your awesome book.
I love the stack of books too – I’m a huge book lover!
Beth Williams says
Loved the quiz. It turned out the I view change as a frenemy. I like some change–the ones I can control, but don’t want to cozy up to all change! Things like watching aging parents go through dementia /Alzheimer’s and what’s associated with it. So so hard to deal with!
Thank you for writing a great book that all should read!
Have a great weekend! (((Hugs)))