It started out innocently enough, a simple browsing trip to Barnes & Noble where my ten year old could also pick up her summer reading journal sheet.
Faith, her brothers, and I wind our way through our city towards the bookstore. Even as I intentionally turn on Rangewood instead of Lexington – one street further away from the gymnastics center – Faith isn’t fooled. Sure enough, she knows right where we are and asks with a sigh,
“Mama? Isn’t this the way to gymnastics?”
I reply “Well, it’s one way there.” I glance into the rear view mirror and see her turn towards the window.
It’s been quite the road for our Faith, from a broken neck and surgery in 2011, recovery in 2012, and learning to be peaceful with the loss of a dream still today.
She is learning, just like all of us, that sometimes giving up is the right thing to do. But even when strong winds slam a door shut and you are clearly sent in a new direction, your heart is sometimes slow to get the message.
Faith still misses gymnastics, but she’s not crying anymore. Progress is progress, but that doesn’t mean little reminders – like driving past the gym – don’t sting a bit.
We tell her it’s okay to feel that way.
Today I’m sharing the rest here. Read along?
In honor of Matt Mooney’s incredible book A Story Unfinished: 99 Days with Eliot, Matt has invited friends and writers to share their own personal “unfinished stories.”
Matt’s book is an amazing tribute to his precious son Eliot, a baby who lived a brief 99 days but taught everyone in his circle of influence how to find God’s countless graces in the small and unexpected. Matt writes this story in a gentle but compelling way, and it will make you laugh and cry as it blesses you wildly.
You can find Matt’s book here and here.
Matt resides in Fayetteville, Arkansas, with his beautiful wife Ginny and darling children Hazel, Anders, and Lena. Matt and Ginny founded 99 balloons, an organization that helps others engage children with special needs. Matt blogs at the atypical life.