I’ve asked myself this many times: Why write a blog? Why share my rambly observations and big fat opinions, anyway? Sure, writing helps me process life, it’s one way the Lord asks me to work on me. But still, why write publicly when I could just as easily and viably write in a private journal?
I read this the other day, and it stuck with me:
When you need comfort, I [Jesus] love to enfold you in my arms. I enable you not only to feel comforted but also to be a channel through whom I comfort others. Thus you are doubly blessed, because a living channel absorbs some of whatever flows through it.
Sarah Young, Jesus Calling p. 303
As I take in Christ’s love and send it to others, I become a living channel. Christ’s love moves in a current through that channel, and the movement holds life, in it is life. The tongue brings life or death to others, there is little middle ground. When I speak life into someone through encouragement, I receive life right back into my own soul. While I love encouraging dear ones in person, blogging allows me to piece together my love for encouragement, women and writing into one living tapestry. “Publishing” online is the current that moves encouragement through the channel. It makes me come alive.
This week, I’m attending the Relevant Conference thanks to winning the “Hope & Encouragement” sponsorship provided by the most encouraging blog on the block, (in)courage. The speaker line-up is a-maz-ing, and I can’t wait to learn how to write more thoughtfully and encourage more deliberately. As a side benefit, I get to hang with gals I enjoy and friends who inspire. Last year, the entire woman in me {wife, mama, friend, writer/blogger} was ministered to, and I know this year will be no different. It will speak Life so I may come alive.
This world holds many messages that speak death, that try to kill our all-around worth. It screams we don’t have enough smarts, talent, accomplishments, looks, height and courage. My voice and this blog might be whispers of a small light in this dark fight, but through both I hope to radiate Light and give Truth that encourages, heals, and matters. I speak Life so others may come alive.
Words satisfy the mind as much as fruit does the stomach;
good talk is as gratifying as a good harvest.Proverbs 18:20 {The Message}
What makes you come alive? How do you combine your desires and talents to be a light in the dark?
If you would like to get a little Blue Skies encouragement for free in your mailbox, just click here. You’re welcome to connect with me via Facebook, too!
This is so great, my friend! Sometimes I wonder, too…and your reminder is so encouraging! We are His channel!
Rich blessings at Relevant! I hope to be there…some. day.
Thank you, Amy, And yes, all in good time!
I want to be a living channel too! God’s Word says, “such as I have give I thee” – I don’t always feel like I have a lot to give, but I do have words. I want the words I speak and write to be a blessing to others…to encourage, to uplift, to pray for. And you, my friend, are a beautiful example of that very thing! I have been blessed by your encouraging words 🙂
Enjoy Relevant! And will you tell us all about it? I’d love to hear.
Your words *do* all that and more, my friend. Thankful for you!
And I plan to share some bits about Relevant!
So true! Sometimes I wonder why I’m blogging, but this speaks to it so well. It’s not just that God teaches me or that I want to have a record of life, but I want to be of use and encouragement to others. God didn’t set us to walk alone in this world, and I’m thankful for that.
I encourage you to continue…if only for your own personal journey. But, I do believe that if God has asked this of you, you are sure to become a blessing to others. I find that when we obey what He is telling us, He can do amazing things through us! I am on a similar journey and God has asked me to share the story of my life. Difficult to put in words and publish, but I know He will bless my efforts!
God Bless!
I am so glad you share your comfort and encouragement with us – we are blessed. Congratulations on the Relevant sponsorship – you deserve it, and many, many blessings to you over the next few days. I know you will be blessed as you also bless others. Just a little bit envious…and I probably don’t need to say it, but have fun!
I’m so glad you’re in this Word world, my friend! You are a beautiful encourager and I can’t wait to see you this week!!