I know all about creating and maintaining rules for my kiddos. No computer games during the week. Brush your teeth or no treats. Don’t sass off or you’ll lose hang out time with your buds. And sometimes I bark them out in a way that would make the meanest drill sergeant proud. No, we don’t mind the rules perfectly and I make exceptions, but I have a certain amount of confidence in our boundaries placed.
I don’t quite have the same confidence when it comes to believing I do enough to create and maintain the relationship part.
Knee deep in these tween years, I have to use more intentional effort than ever before to build relationships with my cherubs. I am learning that our quality time has a different personality from the earlier years.
Will you join me at Jamie’s place to read the rest? This floundering Mama could use your wisdom, too!
Beth says
Thanks again! Super encouraging!!! I need this reminder daily!
Kristen says
I need it daily, too! Thanks for chiming in, Beth. You are always so kind!
Tay says
Smile. You always make me smile. You are an amazing writer and person!
Kristen says
You make me all smiley, too, Tay!
Kim I. says
You are spot on in this area! So easy to make the rules, so hard to intentionally develop relationships. I often forget that we need to step into their world and relate that way, and that takes effort and uninterrupted time!
Thanks for the reminder!