Howdy there, dear ones.
Let me just say this week has been crazy with a capital C thus far. It features memorable events such as me asking my James to go inside and order us dinner at a brand new Taco Bueno very close to our house. You can imagine his surprise when after walking through the front door, the only people inside were about a dozen construction workers. Oops. *Move backwards slowly and pretend no one saw you.* Turns out Taco Bueno isn’t yet open. Or even completely built! Ha!
The good news is we got a good laugh about it as we drove down the road to Taco Bell.
The bad news is that Taco Bell is the last place I remember seeing my debit card.
*deep sigh*
This week we’ve had several doctor’s appointments (nothing too series, just time consuming) and a dozen other events, and in my world today should totally be Friday. Or February.
The good news is that since it’s *not* Friday, we can still look forward to the first Blab for the #2016changechallenge tomorrow at noon EST!
Here is the blab video Ms. Crystal Stine and I made last week, and in it we tell you what you can expect this week and the following 2 weeks in our ongoing conversations about change.
If you would like to subscribe to tomorrow’s blab conversation, simply visit here, login with your twitter account and hit the purple “subscribe” button. Subscribing will ensure you receive a notification when the blab conversation is live. To watch the video, you will need to do so via the blab app on your iphone *or* on your chrome browser.
(Not sure what in the heck blab is even about? Click here for more information!)
In tomorrow’s conversation, Crystal and I will be joined by Shannan Martin and Kendra Adachi, two extraordinarily talented writers who have also been through a whole lotta change. Both Shannan and Kendra have tremendous wit and wisdom to share with women facing a variety of changing circumstances, and I know you’ll be encouraged by their words.
Also, it’s not too late to sign up for the #2016changechallenge emails. Written by me and sent out via (in)courage, the change challenge emails will offer you stories as well as manageable steps you can take to help see the change in your life in a more hopeful light. Read more about the emails here. While the first 2 emails in the change challenge went out Monday and today, Friday’s email will include links for the previous 2. So you won’t have missed a thing! Yeehaw.
While purchasing Girl Meets Change is not a requirement to participate in the change challenge, reading through the book during or upon completion of the challenge will enrich your experience. Read more about the book here and find it at Amazon, B&N, DaySpring and most anywhere books are sold.
Here’s to fast food Mexican, a fresh view of change, and YOU. (Cheers!) Much love, friends. xo
My weekend started out lousy. Had an issue with my aging dad and had to take him to ER. Now he is in hospital. Everyday is a constant change when dealing with elderly and dementia.
Looking forward to the emails. Won’t be able to do blab as I go to hospital at that time and don’t have a twitter account.
Blessings 🙂
You are LITERALLY the cutest!
Also, cannot wait to watch all these awesome women jamming tomorrow! whoot!