One evening when I was out with a friend, my girl decided my office needed serious winterizing. She camped out in the room for hours cutting and taping some twenty different snowflakes to the ceiling. After arriving home, I walked into my winter wonderland and caught my breath. It really is beautiful, and I love my new decor so much my office may stay this way through spring.
You may or may not know I’m not the biggest fan of winter, but I’m learning there are things I can do to better embrace this season that sticks around a long while in my neck of the woods:
Drink extra hot chai lattes.
Pile under fleecy blankets.
Read books out loud to my people.
Become acquainted with country backroads.
Light candles like it’s my job.
Sit under a plethora of paper snowflakes.
It turns out I can better accept something I don’t really like when I do things within it I do like.
On that note, I wanted to remind you our next #2016changechallenge blab chat will be tomorrow at noon EST. Crystal, Holley, Salena and I will be talking about things we can do to better accept the change in our lives. If you would like to subscribe to that blab so you receive notifications when it goes live, simply click here. When it’s time for our blab to begin at noon EST tomorrow the 21st, the same link will take you right there.
A couple things to remember about blab:
I have gone through a plethora of change-with my aging dad–since July 2015. For me to accept these changes I can listen to Praise and worship music, take long walks (weather permitting), pray, and just veg out. Change is hard to watch and accept.
Thanks for the change challenge!
Blessings 🙂
I’m trying to watch! But I can’t get in. Do I really have to join Twitter to watch? I don’t even understand Twitter! Help.
Lisa, no worries! You can watch the replay right here: xoxo
I am always looking for yummy candles! what candles do you like to use? 🙂
Ginger, I love the Woodwick candles (especially in winter) because they crackle and pop. I’m enjoying cinnamon chai right now:
Target has a cheaper brand of them that are great too. xo
Thanks for the suggestion! Cinnamon Chai sounds yummy! Hope you have a wonderful day.
BTW, love the Blab chats. 🙂 Each week, I look forward to catching up with you all and hearing what God has put on your hearts for those of us in the Change challenge. Thank you and the incourage team for putting this together for all of us. 🙂
Love the paper snowflakes…and the list of things to help us love winter. Candles and tea and blankets and books. You’re right. Sold! Thank you.