As you wrap up the last hours of summer and open your arms to the first days of fall, may you feel a strong sense of hope ushered into your heart. If a new season of change appears before you, may the unchanging love of Jesus be your strength and song. And should your outside circumstances shift and wobble with uncertainty, may you know your Father has your hand and will never let you go.
Some fresh air words to consider:
5 Ways to Stand Up and Be the Church During the Refugee Crisis. Ann Voskamp shares a plethora of ways you can do one small thing to gather hope for a refugee or a refugee family. Ann writes, “Half of those 11 million refugees are under the age of 18. There is no such thing as other people’s children. They are all of our children.”
4 Ways to Let Friendship Change with the Seasons If a friendship of yours is beginning to look different than it used to, let Kristin Taylor’s words bring you an encouraging perspective. Kristen writes, “Yes, sometimes people are in our life for a particular season. Sometimes we see the big picture in those scenarios and sometimes we have to hold onto the promise that God is for us and working all things together for the good even when we can’t see the whole thing.”
What to Do When Our Kids Are Looking For Heroes In a World Full of Beliebers, Subway Jared and Ashley Madison If you find yourself needing to explain to your child (or your own heart) why we’re not made for fame, let Lisa-Jo Baker’s 5 star post help you along. She writes, “But sons, it’s when the lights click off and you go home, take off your shoes, load the laundry, that you will have to look yourself in the mirror and still recognize who you are. The times when no one is watching but us and Jesus are the times that will define us. Give me your private moments, sons, and I’ll show you who you are. And I’ll show you whose you are.”
Goodreads is giving away 5 copies of Girl Meets Change. Click the link if you’re interested in entering for a chance to win one.
The Only Thing Required for True Hospitality A post I wrote for the allume blog but forgot to tell you about! If inviting others into your home overwhelms you, perhaps this will help?
If you live near-ish the Colorado Springs area, you’re invited to my book launch party. Sign up via the facebook page or email me at girlmeetschangeparty (at) gmail (dot) com. My book launches in 10 days! Cue all the balloons and butterflies.
Enjoy your holiday weekend, friends. So much love to each of you.
Irene Talaasen says
I have preordered your book!!! they say Sept. 15th 🙂
Wish I could come to your Launch Party but will be out of town……but I am local, Woodland Park!
Blessings and Excitement,
Irene Talaasen
Susan G. says
Great post Kristen! Something for everyone here.
But I am bummed I do not live in the Colorado Springs area. 🙂
Beth Williams says
Thank you for the ideas and information! Congratulations on the book. I do not live in the area or I would be there for the launch party! Have a great weekend!