As I may have mentioned once or twice before (heh), I wrote a book to help you exchange your anxieties over change for God’s good purposes found in it. It’s called When Change Finds You, and it releases October 12th!
The real deal copy of the book showed up in my hot little hands last week, and I’m over the moon about its design. It’s hardback and so pretty to look at–on the outside AND inside. (Color photography, y’all!) It’s warm and welcoming, and that’s exactly how I hope and pray the words on the inside come across to you too.
And today, more goodness arrives: The preorder bonuses for When Change Finds You! These bonuses are FREE gifts that you receive when you buy the book at any point before the book releases on October 12th. Whether you preordered the book several months ago or you’ve waited till now, you qualify to get the preorder bonuses for FREE.
To receive these, just click the above button and fill out the form. Do note that by giving me your email address, the preorder bonuses will be sent to your inbox, and you’ll also be signed up for my website articles + newsletter. You’ll typically receive only one email (or less!) from me per week, and you can unsubscribe at any time!
What do these bonuses include? I’m so glad you asked! You will receive the following:
A traditions toolkit: Because traditions ease transitions, enjoy this seasonal inventory of ideas, practices, and activities–whatever your age or life stage.
Bonus devotionals: A special set of “hidden” devos that will give you a good taste of what to expect within the book itself.
So, one more time for the people in the back: How do you get a hold of these bonuses for yourself?
- Preorder the book from your favorite bookseller.
- Fill out this form here.
- Look for the email in your inbox with links to download all the preorders! If it doesn’t show up in your inbox after a few moments, check your spam folder.
Easy peasy!
A few more specifics about the traditions toolkit:
Annie F. Downs says that practices become rituals that in turn help our important relationships. Yes and amen. In the end, traditions serve you and your relationships by becoming gentle guard rails that hedge you in to a sense of normalcy when uncertainty and frustrations and unknowns try to push you out. In short, they help you and those you love better thrive during the difficult changes in your lives.
When change tries to rile us up, traditions have the power to settle us down.
Sometimes finding a helpful tradition is as simple as imagining what would be fun for you and your people and pinpointing what you don’t want to miss. Whatever tradition intersects those two things is your starting point. This may be where you say, “Great, Kristen. Now where am I going to find these magical traditions that I’m supposed to know I like or don’t like?”
Within the traditions toolkit, you will find a cornucopia of ideas, practices, and activities (with loads and loads of links!) that could become traditions for you and your people. In this extensive inventory, you’ll see that I’ve organized these tradition suggestions seasonally because we often tie our traditions to the seasons. However, you’ll also find a tradition list comprised of ideas that could be employed daily, weekly, or any season at all.
Whether you’re single, married, have a family under your roof or not, you will find several tradition options within these pages.
It’s important to know that traditions are not something to tie ourselves to forever and ever. You are the boss of them, not the other way around. They can be started and then stopped and resumed again (or not!) any ol’ time. Do what’s best for you and your people in the ever-changing seasons of your life.
Last but not least, the hidden devos are very story driven, including personal stories from my own life I’ve not told anywhere else. I believe they all work together to help you acknowledge, accept, adapt, and abide through the difficult change you’re facing now and will face in the future.
Yes and amen.
That’s all for now, dearies. May these gifts + the book help you see the change in your life as a grace. God is for you always, and that includes during times of change.
Sending you lots of love,
*Amazon links are affiliate links.
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