Oh y’all. I am thrilled with this little green book and firmly believe its message is one God wants delivered from his heart to the hearts of women. But to be totally honest, I’m also a little scaredy-pants to birth it into the world. It’s similar to how I felt this same time of year nearly 16 years ago when two babies vied for limited real estate inside my round, round belly. I couldn’t have been more excited to meet those precious twins. But as a soon-to-be first time mama, the newness and unfamiliarity of impending parenthood made me nervous.
I am new to all this book stuff, too. The marketing journey especially has me feeling like I’m in 7th grade, all knobby knees and elbows in a world of people who have all the right outfits and right answers. More than once, I’ve fretted over decisions, wondering if I’m making wrong ones. But today–today!–is not one of those times! Today is a very bright day on this marketing journey because I get to ask you to come alongside me by helping me bring this book into the world! Yeehaw! This excites the livin’ daylights out of me because as with every change that peeks over the horizon, it’s infinitely easier to handle if you don’t have to handle it alone.
So in that spirit, can I humbly invite you to be my hand-holder I mean friend-helper I mean book launch team member?
Below I’ve done my best to provide information and answer general questions about book launch teams.
What is a Book Launch Team?
A book launch team is a group of folks who are excited to partner with the author and help spread the word about her soon-to-be or newly released book.
What’s so special about a Book Launch Team?
Many, many things! First of all, a launch team helps an author–especially a new author like me–get her book into more people’s hands. As a member of the team, you will have the opportunity to read the book weeks before it releases. So any kind of favorable online and in-real-life attention you show the book will help me spread the book’s message miles further than I could without you. Another special thing worth noting: This book has been read by only a small handful of people. So your early thoughts, impressions and feedback are wildly helpful to hear and know.
What’s in it for you:
As a member of my launch team, you will receive a special “advanced reader copy” of my book for you to read 2 months before it releases. Also, you will receive exclusive membership in a private facebook group where we chat and share our thoughts about the book.
How do I apply?
*The application process is now closed. Thanks so much to all who applied!*
While the number chosen for the launch team will be limited to the number of books available, all launch team members will be chosen from these submissions.
Through this book’s pages, it is my sincerest desire that any woman who struggles with transition will discover a hope-filled view of the change that has entered her own unique life. It is my hope she finds this book a comfort and a help, a friend who sits beside her, hears her, and encourages her in the way she needs to hear it most. Thank you in advance for helping me do this in a much better fashion than I could ever do on my own.
Any more questions regarding launch teams? Feel free to ask them in the comments below. If you’d rather not join the launch team but still want your own copy of Girl Meets Change, it’s available for preorder right now for $11 on Amazon *and* Barnes & Noble.
Eeeeek! How exciting. Can’t wait to read it! Also, I am all sorts of wild for that green and a little in love with your dress! 😉
How kind, Evelyn. I’m just so happy you’re applying to do this with me!
I am a military wife of 18 year and have experienced SO much change, specifically, in the last few years. This fall again we are experiencing a season of change for our family as well. What a breath of fresh air to get to read a book that is about changed geared from a biblical standpoint and your personal experiences as I love following your blog…really, really looking forward to reading it, either with the launch team (I signed up for that) or this fall when it comes out!
Military wives unite! Thank you so so much for your enthusiasm, Leslie. Praying for you right now as you maneuver your own personal change. xoxo
I am so very excited for you and very excited to read the book that I know you have put your heart and soul into every step of the way. You will do amazing things I know and cannot wait to read your green book, the wonders that it holds and the ability to share all that with so many other people. Love you friend.
I adore you, Tricia, always and forever. Thanks for your support and enthusiasm! xoxo
Ooohh SO exciting!! I am knee deep in change – AF chaplain’s wife, just moved to our 1st active duty station, adopted a puppy & are expecting our first child! Your book could not be more timely & I can’t wait to read it! Your posts are always so encouraging & a breath of fresh air when I always seem to need it most 🙂 I applied for your launch team, too!
Congratulations Kristen on your new book! I am not on any media to promote your book, I but will be praying all the right women (and people-men?) will come along side you and burst this new book right out into the world where women can read about change – and be ‘changed’. Will look forward to reading it myself. 🙂
You go girl!
Can’t wait to dive into this book. Such a relevant topic and something that we have all experienced at a moment in our lives.
Military life is a wonderful experience, but also so difficult. We must stick together and support each other, from the beginning through the retirement. Thank for a chance to be apart of the launch team.
Change has been the theme of my life! I signed up the other day to be a part of your team, but even if I don’t get on it, I’ll promote this book! Your writing has always been such an encouragement, a breath of fresh air, and the way that you write with honesty and truth is a blessing. Super excited for you, lady!!
I can’t even tell you how jumping up and down excited I am for you! Seriously, it’s like the giddy squealing of a group of second grade girls kind of excited! So much love, hugs and long distance high fiving to you!! I will be stalking the mailbox! 🙂
i run from change every chance I get, so I have a feeling this book would be good for me… Just not sure how many launch teams I can join at one time 🙂
I signed up to be apart of your launch team! I think this is going to be AWESOME
I am a go-getter for everyone else but myself…Plus change is soooo not my thing and that isn’t good since I have a just recently graduated high school and is staying home for college but I dont think is ready either…..UGH….and two other teenage GIRLS….