Several years ago, I remember Dr. Phil saying those who always run late do so because they are attention-seekers who find it flattering. I think that’s a bunch of bullhockey. At least for me, maybe not for others. I am chronically late, and it’s attention-seeking in the most embarrassing way. I do not enjoy waltzing in to a party or appointment making mad apologies. I run late because either I just can’t get my act together and plan ahead well, or life just bosses itself right in forcing me to rearrange priorities.
Aaaand the latter is why I’m adding my Christmas Home Tour pictures late. With everything that’s been going on, posting these took the back seat of a twelve passanger van. Or a bus. The only reason I’m doing so now is because I had most the post prepared well ahead of time.
Oh I know, housey type pictures aren’t usual for my neck of the woods. DIY and home improvement are not the purpose of my little space here. My purpose is to encourage. But the state of my house encourages me {when it’s not discouraging me ~ Ha!}, and there’s something about houses at Christmas time that emulate magic. All the cozy and comfortable feel kicked up a notch or twenty. And when I enjoy my own decorated home and look at others, I feel ministered to.
My decorations may not say perfection or even beautiful to other people. But thankfully I’ve attended Nester’s School of IDHTBPTBB, and I rest knowing they are perfectly beautiful to us. For us.
This year, my favorite decoration and most beloved gift are summed up in this message here:
Beyond thankful.
Unfashionably late but still linking up to the beautiful Nester’s Christmas Tour of Homes.
Your decorations are absolutely lovely! And the welcome home sign…the most lovely of all!!! I got a lump in my throat when I saw that.
Thanks, Jamie. Love you girl!
I love it! Everything looks so homey and inviting. My place is not exactly DIY central either, but I love looking at all the festive Christmas decorations people are posting. And the welcome home sign is great! Hope you all have a wonderful Christmas!
Amy, can’t you come over for some egg nog? Unless you don’t like egg nog? Maybe some cider instead? Merry Christmas, darling!
Beautiful decorations and very encouraging. But……. I kindly do beg to differ on the being late thing. I think it is a choice that people make. I chose to be early. Not perfectly early, but I do not enjoy the attention that I draw when I arrive after something has started. If most EVERYone else manages to arrive on time or early….. It is possible to be on time. So, don;t tell me but honestly assess why you are not on time… or early. No need to share, that is between you and God. I could go on…. we all have the same 24 hours everyday….. and so it goes. I love your blog. You do so much in your 24! God bless. I’d love to sit and share an adult bev with you sometime and just yammer on about all things blue and God and encouraging…. ever get to Italy!?? 🙂 Merry Christmas.
I did explain why I run late, and you most certainly are correct ~ it *is* possible to be on time! And perhaps I now have my goal for 2012! 🙂 I’ve never been to Italy, but it is on my list of dream places to visit, fo’ sho’. I would *love* to sit and chat with you, that would be dreamy, too. 🙂 Thank you so much for your love and grace, Connie! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
Kristen, Sara (your sis, my sister in law) led me to your site and I love visiting it! Your decorations are so lovely. I read the other day that having the smell and view of fresh cut flowers in a home makes one happy. I think that is why Christmas decorations make me so happy….the beauty, the scent, and more importantly, the reason for it all, Jesus! Thank you for your post, it’s terrific. I must say too, as a Psychologist, I have my own take on people being late and for most people, I don’t believe for a second it’s attention seeking (Sorry Dr Phil!!). There are all sorts of reasons for being late but it boils down to this: Life is short…..if you’re late–your late, life will go on and it’s NO BIG DEAL in the grand scheme! That’s just my take….we must try and live by the moments God grants us and cherish them! Merry Christmas and thank you for your uplifting words!
Aww Shilo, so glad to have you here! And thanks for the support on my timeliness issues…:) I am a work in progress on several fronts! Ha!
Merry Christmas to you, too, and your sweet babies. Christmas is just magical with little’uns!
I think your house looks festive and cheerful. Wonderful job decorating!
Thank you, Tanya! Merry Christmas!
Your home looks beautiful and welcoming! Thank you for sharing a peek into your Christmas home!
Thank you! I enjoyed touring your beautiful home, too! Merry Christmas to you and yours!
thanks for inviting us into your home. 🙂 Merry Christmas sweet Kristen!
Wish I could sit and chat with you in real life, Sharon. Merry Christmas, friend!
Your home is so beautiful for Christmas Kristen! So much to be thankful for this year for sure! I love, love, love all the gorgeous real greens. They are so pretty. That lantern… so on my list! 🙂 Thanks for the wonderful tour. Merry Christmas!