“Instead of trying to fit this day into a preconceived mold, relax and be on the lookout for what I am doing. This mind-set will free you to enjoy Me and find what I have planned for you to do.” Sarah Young, Jesus Calling
Hello darlings! How are you doing today?
We have relished a week with 70 degree weather, and it has given me a hankering for spring. it’s been a glorious week of open windows, afternoon walks, and front porch reading. Our spring break is a little over a week away, and I’m sure we will get a snowstorm or two during it {grin}. I love living in Colorado Springs, but springtime here is bipolar: 72 degrees one day, 32 the next.
Right now, my Bible study is doing Linda Dillow’s new book/study What’s It Like to be Married to Me? I tell ya, we only just started it and it’s getting all up in my business {in good ways}. Linda is a hometown girl from the Colorado Springs area, so it’s extra fun to read her. What books are you reading these days? In fiction I’m wrapping up the Hunger Games trilogy. While those kind of books aren’t usually my cuppa tea, these three are crazy exciting page turners.
Finally, I’m so sorry I’m late to announcing the winner of Holley’s You’re Already Amazing books and canvas print. Using random number generator, the winner is…commenter no. 15: Amy! Amy, look for an email from me asap. And congrats! If you didn’t win but would still like the book, DaySpring has it on sale for $9. I promise it’s worth every penny. {Update: Right now, Holley’s book is available on Amazon for $3.99 and the Nook version is also available for $3.99. Smokin’ deals, folks.}
St. Patrick’s day is tomorrow! I have a good deal of Irish blood in me, so I like to make a big todo about this holiday. When I was a little girl, my parents did the same thing, and my Grandma Rea would give my sisters and I little clover or leprechaun pins and treats. Tomorrow, we’ll read about St. Patrick, have shepherd’s pie and some kind of treat, too. {My husband prefers his Irish treat in a mug ~ heh!} Do you celebrate St. Patrick’s day?
I don’t know if your weekend promises springlike weather or winter holdover storms, but I pray you have time to rest, to be on the lookout for what the Lord is doing outside your window and inside your soul. Enjoy Him, sisters, because heaven knows He’s wild about you. Settle into His plans today. And Irish or not, be blessed. I love you.
Love that photo, that little gal blowing spring and blessings our way! May you have a glorious weekend, too.
Thanks Maureen. You too!
Awww, man…. I missed the ebook sale! Shucks!