Daughter, you turn double digits tomorrow, and you’re so excited about the big 1-0 you can hardly sleep. Every night you flip around in your white sleigh bed like a fish out of water. I can see why, too. There’s something very big about being 10, isn’t there? I’m excited along with you, thankful for another grace-filled year. It feels good to anticipate your birthday rather than mourn its arrival like I did in your littler years.
But I don’t anticipate everything about you getting older.
Days will come when you’ll look left or right rather than up to measure your worth, and you’ll be sure you fall impossibly short of a perfect 10.
The truth is everyone falls short, and this is why God gave everyone Jesus.
You’ll hear people say differently, and your path will cross those who put more stock into popularity contests than human hearts.
Some of them will even sell the idea and bank on you believing it.
I don’t want that garbage filling an inch of space in your heart, but already a friend ignores you on the playground and you whisper the words to me,
“Mama, I feel like I don’t matter, like I’m on the outside.”
Daughter, you can’t run from that stench fast enough. Because you know what? Exclusionary isn’t in God’s vocabulary. He created you on purpose for a purpose, so hear Him whisper this truth from the heavens,
“Girl, you are in.”
We’re snuggling on the couch together, and you say you’re glad I’m the hugging type. But my arms can squeeze too hard and am I really teaching you to release the playground squabbles and other heart-heavy things into the arms of heaven?
I’ve looked you in the eyes and reminded you what you need to see in the mirror. But do I listen to you and remind you what your heart needs to hear?
“For in Christ all the fullness of Deity lives in bodily form, and you have been given fullness in Christ, who is the head over every power and authority.” ~Colossians 2:9-10
You don’t need to be a perfect 10 because you have perfect fullness in Christ. Let me grab you with my hug-happy arms and let’s rest our confidence in this together.
Ten years ago, God hand-wrote your name on your own reservation in this world, and no one else can sit there.
Because you perfectly fit right here today and always.
You are loved.
If you are sharing your own stories with a Scripture verse or passage, read this first.
Next prompt: Next week is our last week of school, so I have transitions on my mind. Next Thursday, tell me about a time God taught you an unexpected lesson or truth through a season of change or transition. I look forward to reading your stories!
This is beautiful and true.
Kristen, Bless you for these words. For someone who has struggled with believing her worth, these words are so desperatly needed in this world. Much love to you. Beth
Beth, I need preaching to as much as anyone!
Kristen, I needed to hear that!!!! Thank you friend!!!! *Tears* ((HUGS))
Kristen, Keep pointing your daughter toward Christ for her sense of self-worth. God will bless those affirmations you continue to give her, even when the world says differently. You are a wonderful mom!!
Blessings and hugs,
Well said Kristen! Thank you so much for sharing. My heart was encouraged when reading your post, as my angel-face daughter and I had a similar talk earlier. She turned the big 1-0 (yay, double digits!) just two weeks ago and was left ‘out’ today. I also believe ‘He created you on purpose for a purpose, so hear Him whisper from the heavens…’
Bless you,