Hello, dearhearts! Well, I’ve been working on several projects, and I decided I needed a break from those. You know how if you’re feeling stuck in one thing it helps to do something that’s the opposite of that thing?
So, that’s what I’m doing here!
I used to share “My Favorite Things” in my newsletters, but the newsletters got a bit long, so I decided to go ahead and just share them here, once a month(ish). Now, these lists won’t always be themed (last month’s wasn’t!), but this month’s kind of is. On that note, I’ll tell you I’m a highly, highly scent driven person, so if I find something that smells good, I will use it into the ground! Plus, I believe scents go along way to bring a small measure of stability to my heart and home as well as seal in some good memories.
Of course, they can also seal in bad memories, but still. We’ll focus on some good scents for good memories!
Here we go!
rareESSENCE Lavender Orange Hand Sanitizer: I first discovered this last year in my Oklahoma hometown’s bookstore, and I loved it so much I went looking for it online. This is the only website where I’ve found it. I keep one bottle in my purse, and it lasts several months. And? It smells divine–not alcohol-y at all.
Edens Gardens essential oils: My sister knows all things oils, and she first told me about this brand that is excellent in quality but lower in price. Right now, my favorites are lavender and “Add to Cart.” (I’m a sucker for all things citrus, and this one is very citrusy.) I use them in my favorite diffuser here. In the fall, I’m more likely to use candles, but in the spring and summer, I love the scents of good smelling oils.
“You got this” candle by DaySpring: The staff of (in)courage sent us writers one of these candles last month, and holy moly, does it smell good!! It is scented with sea salt, jasmine, wood, and cream. That sounds like a lot, but it’s all very subtle. Also, this line of DaySpring candles includes others named “Best mom ever” and “You’re the best!” Kinda cute.
Honey Mustard Pretzel Chicken and Avocado Bacon Salad: With chicken coated with pretzel/spices and the cooked bacon, this recipe will have your house smelling like heaven. Or at least, my kind of heaven! Half-Baked Harvest does it again with a recipe that’s light but packed with flavor. It is GOOD.
Peach Crisp with Maple Cream Sauce: A Pioneer Woman recipe that’s a winner through and through!
Target’s Ever Spring Lemon & Mint Laundry Detergent: I first heard about this from Sophie Hudson, and I’ve used it over 6 months now. It smells light and fresh and is a pretty good stain remover, too. (However, I should note that since my kids are older and mostly out of the house, I’m not really set up to test the stain remover component like I used to be!) Anyway, as far as detergents go, this is definitely a favorite.
I hope you find an item or two from the list above that blesses you!
I want to mention an additional favorite thing, although it has nothing to do with scent. If we’re Instagram friends, you may know that on Thursdays I’ve started doing Instagram Lives all centered on the topic of change. (If I was really with the program, I’d have let you know this before today. But alas, I am not.) However, I always save them to IGTV so you can see them afterwards, too. Here is the link to one from today, and it’s specific title is: When Change Asks You to Run a Race You Don’t Want to Run.
That’s all for today, dearhearts. Have a wonderful day!
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