To put it bluntly, there are seasons when it’s just dang hard being a person.
And for this person here, seasons when I often feel this way are seasons when I struggle to fit in.
At the beginning of this new year, we may feel that way on a broad political scale. And if we narrow down this notion of fitting in to a really personal level, it can manifest itself in any one of a thousand other ways, too.
At (in)courage today, I tell a story of a conversation I had with my friend Salena about being on the outside looking in, something that presents itself in individual and common ways. When it shows up in my life, I want to do all kinds of things to fix the problem. I want to wave my arms wildly and get noticed. I want to jostle my way into the front of the crowd. Or I want to go the opposite direction and move completely inward, believing I’m too small to count. Either way, I’m anxious to do something that will bandage up that tender, hurting place in my heart.
But what if there’s a third option that doesn’t go to one extreme or the other?
Read more here, and I’d love for you to chime in with your own thoughts and experiences.