The air moved thick with anticipation of summer and our family’s Disney vacation. Before the big departure day arrived, I asked one of my favorite Orlando girls, Stacey, what non-obvious essentials we should pack. She replied with many helpful ideas but told me no matter what I brought, definitely leave expectations of a perfectly magical vacation at home.
I took her words to heart. And lo and behold, once I left the pie-in-the-sky-expectations outside my heart’s luggage, there was so much more room to relax and enjoy. Because real magic happens when you forget grand ideals and embrace reality. And the reality is family vacations will include cranky moods, tired behavior – and for us – an ugly virus. In spite of it all, our vacation was one of my most favorites, and we brought home triple helpings of good-for-the-heart family memories.
I’m remembering Stacey’s words this season, too. Advent arrives this weekend, which means Christmas will saunter through our front doors soon. This year, I’m determined not to let those sneaky sky-high expectations tag along for the festivities.
Since we can’t control the weather or the kids or the relatives, how do we keep realistic expectations this Christmas? How do we turn the tide when things head south? Join me here and share your worthy words?
{And if you expect a difficult Christmas this year, may I invite you to visit here Monday? A good friend and I will be sharing encouragement just for you.}